----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Weird, I did not post this again, so apologies. Do not understand why
     it came up again...Alice
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Subject: winter whimsy--maps in fiction
Author:  Alice Hudson <[log in to unmask]> at ~Internet-Mail
Date:    11/17/97 12:36 PM
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     As the winter drearies approach, I am looking for some good
     cartographic reads, and am wondering if mapsters out there have
     favorite fiction incorporating the use of maps in important ways.
     Someone here at NYPL just hinted that Palliser's Quincunx uses maps,
     as one character lost in London? finds his way...[I have not read it]
     What about nautical fiction?  Guys? Any help here?
     I am not interested in the map/chart as symbol. Well developed scenes
     in which maps/charts are used interest me.
     What I would like to do down the road, and any of us might be able to
     use this, is develop a fun teaching tool about maps for young adults,
     and adults, using fiction as a hook...got it?
     Meanwhile, I get some new/old books to read...
     [Dee, I am just trying to help out.]
     Alice Hudson
     Map Division, NYPL
     [log in to unmask]