----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        In 1066, William the Conqueror took over Britain and rewarded his
Chieftains with large land grants which, as I understand it, were not free
and clear but in 999 year leases with token rents and, in some if not all
cases, with certain land use restrictions.
        Now, with 1065 being within the life expectancy of many people living
today, those agreements will end and, if I'm right about most of the above,
the effect on Britain, particularly England and Wales, will be as momentous
as the year 2,000 computer problem is to the rest of us.
        Thus, I'm hoping that MAPS-L folks might have some knowledge of this
situation and would kindly answer some, if not all, of my questions below:
1: Am I correct with all or part of my premise above??
2: Who is the "owner" of the lands to whom current rent is paid??
3: As the grants cease to exist, who receives title to the lands??
4: How much land is involved??
5: Are there any maps and/or descriptions showing the location of the lands
in question??
6: Was I correct that there was restrictions on the land use, i.e.,
pasture, crops, etc??
7: Do the restrictions go out of existence and, if so, what can happen to
the lands in question??
        I would hope to hear from someone, either on MAPS-L or as a private reply.
Fred Schaff, Spring Grove, PA, USA, <[log in to unmask]>
Fred Schaff, Spring Grove, PA, <[log in to unmask]
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                John W. Campbell
The Meek shall inherit the Earth... but not the Mineral Rights.
                            ...J. Paul Getty