----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Maps-L Subscribers,
        Happy New Year to all! Treaty Oak has a trip planned to Panama, Venezuela,
Ecuador and Colombia. Topos or any other mapping (geologic, etc.) needed
from those countries can be ordered from us at this time. Please order by
sheet number if possible.
        We plan to leave around February 1 with a return around February 17.
        If you did not receive our catalog of maps, please request a copy by
email. Please include your "regular" mailing address if you request a
catalog. The mailing took place at the end of the Fall 1997 semester. There
is no charge for the publication.
Thank you,
Mark Walker
Treaty Oak
P.O. Box 50295
Austin TX 78763-0295
TEL 512-326-4141
FAX 512-443-0973
WEB treatyoak.com