----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello All,
  Thought that I would give you this bright note from the January 15, 1998
edition of Administrative Notes  (Vol. 19, no. 02):
"The LandView III CD-ROMs are expected from the Census Bureau this month.
Copies will be provided for distribution to the libraries. LandView III is
a desktop mapping system that includes database extracts from the
Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of the Census, the U.S.
Geological Survey, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Department
of Transportation, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency."
In other words, Landview III is depository.  A longer description of
Landview is available on page 13 of that issue. You can see it at:
That page will take you to this month's issue.  Just select back issues
and the date of interest.  Linda Zellmer
Linda Zellmer
Map Librarian
Arizona State University Libraries
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, AZ  85287-1006
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Tel: (602) 965-5973
Fax: (602) 965-0883