----------------------------Original message----------------------------
In this neck of the woods we refer to these as "Antiquated Subdivision."
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Dear Maps-l catalogers,
>   We are about to catalog our collection of historic Oregon city plans
>and now need some advice from experienced catalogers on a particular kind
>of city plan -- cities proposed and platted but never built.
>   The question:  Is there an LC subject heading that correctly describes
>this kind of town other than the town name itself followed by |x Maps.
>There are many such towns in Oregon.  The subject heading "Extinct cities"
>does not really serve here.  These towns never "lived" so could not become
>"extinct."  They did not become part of other towns nearby, and they were
>not wiped off the face of the earth by some natural disaster. Plat maps
>exist for them and these plats were duly filed with the county clerk.
>Perhaps lots were sold, but they were never built upon -- nothing ever
>existed to waste away into a ghost town.
>   LC's cataloging manual addresses these towns on Page 1.7, but only in
>regards to classification number assignments, not subject headings.
>   Perhaps their is no adequate subject access -- if so, should "Extinct
>cities" be used anyway?  Thank you all.
>               ---------------------------------------------------------
>               Peter L. Stark
>               Head, Map and Aerial Photography (MAP) Library
>               165 Condon Hall, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR  97403
>               (541) 346-3051