This message is from Jon Stirzaker.-----Johnnie
>Date: Thu, 19 Feb 98 08:35:36 +0800
>From: "Jon Stirzaker"<[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: RE: India projection
A colleague is after projection details (projection, datum/spheroid,
lat/long of origin) for a couple of maps from India. Can anyone help?
Jon Stirzaker
Australian Geological Survey Organisation
19 Feb 1998
Hello Jon,
I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I am having with
some India projections.  We have some maps I need to register but there
is little projection or datum information. I am assuming they use the
Everest spheroid???
(1) One of the maps is described as International (Polyconic) but there
is no information as to the standard parallels etc. It is a state map of
Rajasthan, titled Rajasthan, at 1:1,000,000 scale with the main routes,
towns, drainage etc.  It was published in 1978 by the Government of
(2) The other is a geological map of India at 1:5,000,000 scale,
published by the Geological Survey of India in 1993.
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.