----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Sir: I noticed your ad re: maps from S.America, posted 2/28/98.
I am looking for good topos for the north coast of Ecuador around the
a town of Salango, as I am presently directing an archaeological
project a few miles north of that town, along the coast/Rio Chico.
 Hopefully, you might be able to provide such coverage..
Coordinates are:  80 degrees, 50', 24" Long.
                   1 degree,  36', 44" Lat.
Also designated as Military coordinates\ 177222
and also CT MIV-C3 3489111.
The scale providing the best detail is PREFERRED.
Sincerely, Jerry Kennedy
|  Wm. Jerald Kennedy, Ph.D.  |  InterNet: [log in to unmask]         |
|  Associate Professor        |  http://www.fau.edu/divdept/anthro |
|  Department of Anthropology |                                    |
|  Florida Atlantic University|  Voice: 561/367-2257               |
|  Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991  |  Fax:    561/367-2744 or 2257      |