----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Repeat of an earlier posting, this posting includes salary statement....
     The Center for Advanced Computer Studies at the University of
     Southwestern Louisiana and the USGS National Wetlands Research Center
     are participating in a joint project to develop a digital library for
     energy and environmental data and information. The Information Center
     will have data mining capabilities of data and information in digital
     and paper formats, initially for data specific to the geographic
     region. The project requires two new positions in the library. A
     librarian with a M.S. degree in Library and Information Science is
     needed with a knowledge of electronic and print data sources in the
     areas of geographic information systems, geography, ecology,
     environment, census, community and business information, energy
     extraction industry, and manufacturing industry. Other qualifications
     include use of appropriate application software, library systems,
     Unix, the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) and
     Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata standards, and
     Internet data and searching tools. The librarian will install specific
     library software, Cuadra Star, to manage the virtual and physical
      collection and develop specialized information products for use by clients
       and evaluate the information use. Starting salary is $38,000 to $40,000.
     The second position is for a cataloging librarian with a M.S. degree
     in Library and Information Science. The candidate will catalog digital
     and text data and information using accepted cataloging rules of
     AACR2, USMARC, Library of Congress Subject Headings, OCLC MARC, and
     NBII and FGDC metadata standards. The candidate will add records to
     the NBII using Metamaker, to WorldCat, and manage the local library
     system. Starting salary is $33,000 to $35,000.
     The candidates will be employed by the University of Southwestern
     Lousiana and will receive benefits offered to employees of the institution.
     Please send a letter of application and resume to Judy Buys, USGS National
       Wetlands Research Center Library, 700 Cajundome Blvd., Lafayette, LA
        70506. For  more information, contact [log in to unmask] We would like
       to receive all applications by February 13th.
        Lafayette is in the heart of French Louisiana with a strong tradition of
        Cajun food and music, mild climate, and economic growth.
     Refer to this address for more information about the project:
     The University is in compliance with title IX of the Civil Rights Act,
     Section 504 of the Rehabilitation ACt of 1973, and is an Equal
     Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.