----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Here is a non-html version of a prior message.
New Version of dlgv32 Allows Viewing of DLG/SDTS Data
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is releasing the latest version of its
free digital data viewing software, dlgv32,v.3.0. Users can now view DLG
Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) files as well as Digital Line
Graph Optional  (DLG-O) and Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) geospatial
files. dlgv32 is Windows 95 software and offers basic data viewing and
manipulation functions such as convenient data loading, pan and zoom
capabilities, point-to-point measurements, and the viewing of DLG and
SDTS attribute codes.  Another feature is the simultaneous viewing of
multiple data files and formats, such as vector DLG-O and raster DRG
data.  Instructions for downloading the software, the users manual and
SDTS tutorial, and sample data files can be accessed through the dlgv32
and dem3d Software Link web page