----------------------------Original message----------------------------
To play the devil's advocate here, isn't the point that, like all
categories, a grouping such as the G.L.s, are creations of our
imagination and the human need to categorise.  To then treat that
category as a 'thing' is to engage in what I believe is known as
In a sense the Great Lakes can be anything we or a politician says they
are or it is, providing that enough people agree with us/him/her.  If
the real object is to fit a state into a govt. program that it would
ordinarily have missed out, why not make L. Champlain a 'guest GL' for
the occasion? There is much legislation that defines its terms in such
fashion (e.g. for 'he' read persons of both sexes, etc.), or on an one
time only basis.
A parallel 'debate'  is going on about the 'planetary' status of Pluto
and whether it should be so designated if several other similarly sized
orbiting bodies in the asteroid belt are left out.
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>> It bothers me that physical geography can bechanged at the whim of some
>>senator.  Apparently Vermont is the only New England state that is not
>>eligible for Sea Grant monies as it does not have either ocean or "Great
>>Lake" coastline.  Apparently the bill gives Lake Champlain "great lake"
>>status solely for the Sea Grants.
>Russell Guy
>>At 04:29 PM 3/2/98 EST, you wrote:
>>>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>>If those of you in the U.S. were watching the TV
>>>news this past weekend, you no doubt heard that the
>>>U.S. is about to inaugurate an additiional Great Lake.
>>>Senator  Leahy of Vermont has attached a rider declaring
>>>Lake Champlain to be one of the Great Lakes to a bill
>>>that the President is supposed  to  sign  today.
>>>The strategy behind this is that Vermont  will now be
>>>eligible for grant money because it is home to a 'Great
>>>Lake'.  Well,  I'm sure Lake Champlain is pretty great, but
>>>(in the view of this old Minnesotan) is isn't one of
>>>the Great Lakes!
>>>(Hey, we've got a nifty  ponding basin out here on the
>>>University farm. Let me call my senator ...)
>>>Sue Haffner
>>>Map Library, CSU Fresno