----------------------------Original message----------------------------
For you Canadians-
I thought y'all would get a chuckle out of the spread of Bobness to a
Canadian who's been pretty unconnected to Canada for a while (that
happens when you're an archaeologist doing your disseration work!).
He's about 3/4s of the way through a three-year stint in the wildest
wilds of northwestern Western Australia (WAY farther out in the boonies
than Croc Dundee ever dreamed of).  However, he does have a satellite
web and email connection.  I dropped him the both the Bob answers in
today's email from the list and got back one of the fastest replies I've
ever received from him even though it ought to be around 7am the day
after tomorrow about now.
At the moment, he's gone off to search the web for more about Bob.
Thanks for keeping him in touch! ;-)
\ /     Virginia R. Hetrick, here in 90H2O
 O      Bellnet:  310.206.7588
 Oo     Email:    [log in to unmask]
        Site of the month: http://www.2chicks.org/