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Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 16:19:32 +0000
From: Patricia Chalk <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: disease distribution maps
Sender: Patricia Chalk <[log in to unmask]>
An excellent reference for various alternatives of HOW the distribution may
be mapped is available in the following atlas:
Cliff, Andrew D., and Peter Haggett. 1988.  Atlas of Disease Distributions:
Analytic Approaches to Epidemiological Data.  Great Britain: Basil
Blackwell LTd.
Unfortunately this wonderful book is out of print (at least it was last
year when I tried to obtain a personal copy).  However, hopefully a nearby
map library or medical science library has a copy on hand.
Patricia Chalk
Ms. Patricia Chalk
Director of Cartographic Services
Geography Department, Social Science Centre
The University of Western Ontario
London, Canada  N6A 5C2
internet: [log in to unmask] / phone 519-661-3425 / fax 519-661-3750
webpage: http://www.uwo.ca/geog/facilities/cartogra.htm
I am not difficult to please; I am always satisfied with the best. /Oscar Wilde
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