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Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 18:29:50 +0100
From: Tony Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: 2005 Hist. of Cart. conference
Sender: Tony Campbell <[log in to unmask]>

     [posted to MapHist and Maps-L - please pass on to other
     potentially interested people]

       Invitation to host the 21st International Conference on the
                        History of Cartography in 2005

     The Board of Directors of Imago Mundi Ltd. invite proposals for
     hosting the 2005 conference in Europe.  Please see the
     `Guidelines for Organisers' in Imago Mundi 46, p.6 or apply for a
     copy to the address below.

     The `Guidelines' set out the requirements for a successful
     conference and are intended to assist potential hosts to prepare
     a strong case.  Proposals for the 21st Conference should be
     submitted, by 1 December 1999, to Tony Campbell, Chairman of the
     Imago Mundi Board, at the address below.  It is hoped to announce
     the result in spring 2000.

     Conferences have taken place in North America every 8-10 years.
     Since the preceding conference (2003) will be held in the United
     States, the venue for 2005 should be in Europe.

     [log in to unmask]

     Tony Campbell, Map Librarian
     British Library Map Library
     96 Euston Road
     London NW1 2DB

     Phone: 0171 412 7525   International:  +44 171 412 7525
     Fax:   0171 412 7780   International:  +44 171 412 7780

     Please see, bookmark and PROVIDE LINKS to:-

     1. The British Library Map Library homepage

     2. Map History / History of Cartography: THE Gateway to the Subject

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