---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:12:36 +0100
From: Robert Walker <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: NEWS: Avoiding Spam

Hello Everyone,

Having received an increase in spam after posting a message to a newsgroup I have been given this
piece of advice:

"Computer programms search posts to newsgroups for email addresses. These
email addresses end up getting sent to spam mailers. If you receive spam
email the chances are they got your email address from a newsgroup posting.

That's why myself and many other people put nospam (i.e. [log in to unmask]) or whatever into our
"reply to" email addresses to confuse the computer programs. Also a note to a human to
remove it ( the "nospam.") if they are replying, is needed as well.

I suggest you do likewise."

You will, of course have to remove this configuration for regular mail or include the "note to
human" in all mailings!!


R. Walker, Fine art & Business Resources.
The uk based mailing and discussion list
for antiquarian and collectable map and
print professionals.
Addr: # 39, RH17 6BT UK
Tel. & Fax.: ++44 (0)1444 401100