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Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 15:17:49 -0500
From: Susan Peschel <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: How to make a globe
Sender: Susan Peschel <[log in to unmask]>

We have a patron who is looking for information about how the
construct a globe.  He is particularly interested in the mechanics of
the process.  There used to be a web site that might have helped in
this regard, but the address no longer works.  I've checked under the
topic globe making in several venues including the web without luck.
Any help from globe enthusiasts out there would be greatly

Susan M. Peschel
Sr. Academic Librarian
American Geographical Society Collection
P.O. Box 399
Milwaukee, WI  53201
Voice: 414-229-6282
WATS: 80 0-558-8993
email:  [log in to unmask]
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