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"Dr. Peter Schoop" <[log in to unmask]>
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DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 14:17:42 EDT
text/plain (1095 bytes) , ADR.TXT (1433 bytes)
Dear all!
I do agree about what Miguel was writing in his last E-mail to DSSAT users.
Dr. Langensiepen is a co-worker and research fellow in our modelling cropping
system group of the project SFB 192. In our research group we did test many
approaches and models to predict a lot of  parameters - not only yield - but
for example ecological parameters like nitrate leaching dependent on the
special cropping system. Our aim is on the one hand to predict the target
parameters (e.g. yield, nitrogen balances, N-leaching etc.) with minimal
prediction errors (STDERR of estimation), on the other hand we want to declare
in which way special yields are structured in their components (grains per
ear, 1000 grain weight etc.). And at this point -I think- we have a lot of
work to do. In many cases - this is my experience I made - you can predict the
target parameters (e.g. yield) in directly way with a lower STDERR as
following the pathes of  yield structure components. We should have a very
special look to the genetic coeffients!!
But I do think with our world wide network we will have a chance to realize
our aims.
Best regards

---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------                                      OFFICE                              Dr. sc. agr. Peter Schoop                          Christian-Albrechts-University                   Institute of Crop Science and Plant Breeding                        Collaborative Research Project 192                    Scientific Coordination and Administration                            Modeling Cropping Sytems                                    Olshausenstr. 40                                   D-24118 Kiel                                     Germany                              +49 0171-641 48 17 (voice mobil)                                E-mail: [log in to unmask]                       Internet: http://members.aol.com/drschoop                              +49 (0)431-880-3477 (voice)                            +49 (0)431-880-1396 (fax)                            +49 (0)431- 55 79 928 (voice/fax/auto-answer)  --------------------------------------+---------------------------------------                                     PRIVATE:                              Dr. sc. agr. Peter Schoop                           Agrar- und Umweltforschung                       Agriculture and Environment Research Centre                                   Goethestr. 30                                   D-24116 Kiel                                     Germany   ---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------