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"James W. Jones" <[log in to unmask]>
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DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 15:55:59 -0800
text/plain (103 lines)

I have a dilemma. I have been planning a course here at UF that would
introduce students to CGIAR, issues that they address, methods that they
use, and to study how their work might be related to efforts in the CG
system. I had planned to offer the course this summer, and have the
students spend about 1 week at CIAT. CITA had offered to handle local
housing and food costs, and the students would pay their own travel. I
expected somewhere between 5 and 10 grad students to take the course. My
studnets, of course, are interested in modeling, GIS, remote sensing, etc.,
and I expect to get 2-3 of Peter Hildebrand's students to take it as well.

My problem is that the University will not allow me to offer the course to
students if they are required to go to Colombia. We are not allowed to
officially take students into countries where there is a travel
restriction. Voss suggested that i take them to CATIE, and CIAT staff would
meet with us there to interact with the students. I am not too keen on
this, because one of my aims is for the students to see the center and
interact more than in just a few class discussions.

Do you think that CIMMYT would be interested in say co-sponsoring such a
course, along with UF and CIAT? This would admittedly take time from
already too busy schedules, so I feel a little awkward in asking. What I
envisioned during the visit is for a few lectures from CIMMYT staff, and
short presentations by the students. In addition, we would want them to
visit labs, etc.

Is this a crazy idea? If so, just let me know. I did not yet tell Voss that
I would try to do this at CIMMYT instead of CIAT. But, he knows that I can
not bring the students to Colombia, as originally planned. What do you think?

Thanks for your advice.

Jim Jones

At 11:58 AM 1/24/01 -0800, you wrote:
>First Announcement for the 2001 CIMMYT Maize and Wheat Systems Modeling
>Modeling Temperature Response in Wheat and Maize
>Dates:          23 to 25 April, 2001
>Location:       CIMMYT Headquarters, approximately 30 min. from Mexico City
>         Concerns over global warming due to increased production of
>greenhouse gasses has lead to extensive use of crop models for assessing
>possible impacts of warming.  Temperature effects are also key to genotype x
>environment interactions, and there is widespread interest in using models
>to analyze cultivar differences in temperature adaptation.
>         This workshop will examine the performance of maize and wheat
>simulation models under different temperature regimes both to assess the
>utility of existing models and to suggest possible avenues for improvement.
>Additionally, we will assemble maize and wheat datasets that can be used to
>assess model performance.
>Tentative agenda:
>         23 April - Suggested presentations on temperature response of maize
>and wheat models
>                         *       A physiological perspective on modeling
>temperature response
>                         *       Overview of temperature responses in CERES
>                         *       Genetic variation in temperature responses
>of maize and wheat
>                         *       Key data sets for evaluating temperature
>                         *       ...
>                 Organize into working groups and begin hands-on evaluation
>         24 April - Hands-on evaluations
>         25 April - Continued hands-on evaluations (AM)
>                 Wrap up session on results of modeling exercises (PM)
>         [On 26 and 27 April, the GCTE Tropical Cereals Network will hold its
>meeting at CIMMYT.  People interested in this meeting should contact John
>Ingram ([log in to unmask]) or Andre du Toit ([log in to unmask]).]
>Expected Outputs:
>*       An assessment of the quality of temperature responses in selected
>maize and wheat models.
>*       Suggested improvements to existing models for wheat and maize.
>*       Quality data sets from maize and wheat trials that allow end-users
>to evaluate the temperature response of the models.
>As for the 1998 and 1999 workshops, the papers and workshop outputs will be
>published by CIMMYT as a short proceeding.
>Further Information:
>         There is no workshop registration fee, but participants must cover
>costs of transportation and lodging.  Low-cost quarters and dining are
>available through CIMMYT.  For further information, please contact Jeff
>White ([log in to unmask]), CIMMYT, Natural Resources Group, Apdo. Postal
>6-641, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.

James W. Jones
Distinguished Professor
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611

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