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"Dr. Gerrit Hoogenboom" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Jul 1996 10:18:16 -0400
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>Approved-By:  "Ing. M.C. Plentinger, AB-DLO" <[log in to unmask]>
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>Date:         Wed, 3 Jul 1996 15:50:41 +0000
>Reply-To: Quantitative Methods of Research on Agricultural  Systems and the
>              Environment <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: Quantitative Methods of Research on Agricultural  Systems and the
>              Environment <[log in to unmask]>
>From: "Ing. M.C. Plentinger, AB-DLO" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      CAMASE_NEWS No. 10, June 1996
>To: Multiple recipients of list CAMASE-L <[log in to unmask]>
>    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>                             N E W S L E T T E R
>                                     O F
>                        A G R O - E C O S Y S T E M S
>                             M O D E L L I N G
>    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>    Published by AB-DLO                                 June 1996, No.10
>    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>    \==================================================================\
>    \                                                                  \
>    \                             CONTENTS                             \
>    \                                                                  \
>    \                REGISTER OF AGRO-ECOSYSTEMS MODELS                \
>    \                                                                  \
>    \                          ANNOUNCEMENTS                           \
>    \               Plant morphogenesis & activities of                \
>    \                   organisms on plants on WWW                     \
>    \                       Join us on AGROMET-L                       \
>    \                                                                  \
>    \                      FORTHCOMING MEETINGS                        \
>    \         European Society for Agronomy, ESA 4th Congress          \
>    \      1996 International Meeting of the American Society of       \
>    \                     Agricultural Engineers                       \
>    \         Modelling water flow and solute transport in the         \
>    \               soil-water-plant-atmosphere system                 \
>    \         Wind Erosion: An International Symposium/Workshop        \
>    \       Workshop "Modern Problems in Agro-ecosystem Modeling"      \
>    \                                                                  \
>    \                           NEW BOOKS                              \
>    \               8 new articles, books, and PhD thesis              \
>    \                                                                  \
>    \                    THE MARKET PLACE, WITH:                       \
>    \            Theoretical and practical testing of the              \
>    \                  CROPSYST crop growth model                      \
>    \                          PhD projects                            \
>    \==================================================================\
>    ====================================================================
>    This is already the tenth issue of the Newsletter. These is
>    never a shortage of information and news. But do not hesitate
>    to send us suggestions of things you would like all included.
>                                                 Frits Penning de Vries,
>                                                        Marja Plentinger
>    ====================================================================
>                              *   *   *
>                           k e y w o r d s:
>                             m o d e l s
>                            m o d u l e s
>                          d a t a  b a s e s
>    On the World Wide Web with URL: http://www.co.dlo.nl/camase
>    CAMASE keeps a database of model descriptions from all over
>    the world.
>    We expanded the database last week, and will update all
>    entries later this year.
>    If your model is not yet there: you are most welcome to join us.
>                              *   *   *
>                            ANNOUNCEMENTS
>                           k e y w o r d s:
>                 p l a n t  m o r p h o g e n e s i s
>                  o r g a n i s m s  o n  p l a n t s
>                     a g r o m e t e o r o l o g y
>                     a g r o c l i m a t o l o g y
>    Programs for acquiring and processing 3-D information on plant
>    morphogenesis and activities of organisms on plants, as well
>    as programs for handling "plant map" data on topological
>    structure of plants, will be available shortly at:
>    http://www.ctpm.uq.oz.au/Programs/InsectPlant.html
>    http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/projects/bmv/vlab/index.html
>    Contact
>    Dr. P.M. Room
>    Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Pest Management,
>    CSIRO Division of Entomology, P.O.Box 3, Indooroopilly Q4068,
>    Australia.
>    Telephone: +617.3214.2700
>    Telefax: +617.3214.2885
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    This is to announce the a new WMO/FAO sponsored discussion
>    list on agrometeorology and agroclimatology.
>    Users can subscribe to the list by sending an e-mail to
>      [log in to unmask],
>    leaving the subject blank, and entering the line below in the
>    body of the message:
>      subscribe AGROMET-L
>    The welcome message will provide more details about the list.
>                              *   *   *
>                         FORTHCOMING MEETINGS
>    European Society for Agronomy
>    ESA 4th Congress 7 - 11 July 1996
>    Veldhoven - Wageningen, The Netherlands
>    The fourth Congress of the European Society for Agronomy (ESA)
>    will be held from 7-11 July 1996 in the Congress centre
>    Koningshof in Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
>    Sessions
>    A General Plenary Session will address:
>    Land use, natural resources and agricultural production in an
>    expanding Europe.
>    Thereafter three main themes will be introduced in a plenary
>    session, and elaborated in parallel oral and poster sessions:
>    - Agro-ecological studies and climate change
>    - Integrated and ecological agriculture
>    - Dynamics of nutrients and organic matter
>    A productive mix with subjects channelled through the existing
>    Scientific Divisions of ESA is planned.
>    You will find more information on World Wide Web:
>    http://www.ab.dlo.nl/AB/ESAgro/
>    Organizing secretariat
>    If you are interested in the Congress or its theme, please
>    contact the organizing secretariat:
>    Kongresservice Brabant
>    P.O.Box 140
>    NL-5500 AC Veldhoven
>    The Netherlands.
>    Telephone: +31.40.2547171
>    Telefax: +31.40.2545515
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    The 1996 International ASAE meeting will be held on July
>    14-18, 1996 in Phoenix, Arizona.
>    Contact
>    David Bosch
>    Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory
>    P.O.Box 946
>    Tifton
>    Georgia 31793
>    United States.
>    Telephone: +1.912.386.3515
>    Telefax: +1.912.386.7294
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    International Postgraduate Training Course 'Modelling water
>    flow and solute transport in the soil-water-plant-atmosphere
>    system'.
>    Wageningen, 18-23 November 1996
>    The course is organized by the International Training Centre
>    (PHLO), Wageningen Agricultural University in cooperation with
>    the Department of Water Resources of Wageningen Agricultural
>    University and the DLO Winand Staring Centre in Wageningen.
>    Information
>    Further information can be obtained from:
>    Wageningen Agricultural University
>    International Training Centre (PHLO)
>    P.O.Box 8130
>    6700 EW Wageningen
>    The Netherlands.
>    Telephone: +31.317.484092 / 484093
>    Telefax: +31.317.426547
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the USDA's Wind Erosion
>    Research at Kansas State University
>    Manhattan, Kansas, USA
>    3-5 June 1997
>    Background
>    This symposium is held in commemoration of the 50th
>    anniversary of the USDA's Wind Erosion Research at Kansas
>    State University. The purpose is to bring together leading
>    scientists, conservationists, and policy makers to: identify
>    the present and future wind erosion threat to sustainability;
>    summarize current understanding of wind erosion processes,
>    prediction, and control; identify societal needs and develop
>    strategies for sustaining agriculture, protecting the
>    environment, and conserving the natural resource against the
>    ravages of wind erosion.
>    Program
>    Scientists, engineers and conservationists are invited to
>    present papers and/or attend sessions related to the
>    occurrence, measurement, and prediction and control of wind
>    erosion and related processes and consequences. Plenary,
>    concurrent, and poster sessions are planned.
>    Keynote addresses will feature various aspects of wind
>    erosion.
>    Additional information, (e-mail preferred)
>    USDA-ARS, NPA, Wind Erosion Research Unit, Throckmorton Hall,
>    Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 United States.
>    Telephone: +1.913.532 6528
>    Telefax: +1.913.532 6495
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    World Wide Web URL: http://www.weru.ksu.edu/
>    Laboratory of Agro-ecosystem Simulation
>    Agrophysical Research Institute
>    June 21-26, 1997
>    St.-Petersburg, Russia
>    In 1997 will be fulfilled the 30th anniversary of the
>    Laboratory of Agro-ecosystem Simulation, Agrophysical Research
>    Institute, St.-Petersburg. During the last two decades the
>    Laboratory deals with the development of mathematical models
>    in agriculture and agro-ecology as well as the theoretical
>    investigation of related phenomena in ecology, physics and
>    biology. The Laboratory staff plans to organize the Jubilee
>    International Workshop: "The Modern Problems in Agro-ecosystem
>    Modeling". The Workshop will be held at the end of June, 1997
>    in Agrophysical Research Institute, St.-Petersburg, Russia.
>    Areas of interest
>    - New approaches to mathematical description of processes
>      taking place in the soil, atmosphere and plant canopy.
>    - Modern tendencies and non-traditional applications of
>      ecosystem simulation models (Ecological Monitoring, Climate
>      Change Impact onto Agro-ecosystems, Energy Crops, Agriculture
>      on Contaminated Areas, Sustainable Agriculture etc.).
>    - The competition of the models on the base of previously
>      adjusted set of experimental data is planned.
>    << The end of June is the best time in the beautiful city
>    St.-Petersburg. It is the time of famous "White Nights". The
>    visit to St.-Petersburg at this period gives magic
>    impressions. >>
>    For more details contact
>    Prof. R.A. Poluektov
>    Agrophysical Research Institute
>    14 Grazhdansky prospect
>    195220 St.-Petersburg
>    Russia.
>    Telephone: +7.812.534 4640
>    Telefax: +7.812.535 5220
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>                              *   *   *
>                              NEW BOOKS
>    * Veldkamp, A. & L.O. Fresco, 1996. CLUE: a conceptual model
>    to study the Conversion of Land Use and its Effects.
>    Ecological modelling 85: 253-270
>    Abstract
>    A dynamic model to simulate Conversion of Land Use and its
>    Effects (CLUE) is presented. For an imaginary region, CLUE
>    simulates land use conversion and change in space and time as
>    a result of interacting biophysical and human drivers. Within
>    CLUE regional land use changes only if biophysical and human
>    demands cannot be met by existing land use. After a regional
>    assessment of land use needs, the final land use decisions are
>    made on a local grid level. Important biophysical drivers are
>    local biophysical suitability and their fluctuations, land use
>    history, spatial distribution of infrastructure and land use,
>    and the occurrence of pests and diseases. Important human land
>    use drivers in CLUE are population size and density, regional
>    and international technology level, level of affluence, target
>    markets for products, economical conditions, attitudes and
>    values, and the applied land use strategy. Initial CLUE
>    simulation suggest that the integrated land use approach of
>    CLUE can make a more realistic contribution to predictions of
>    future land cover than currently used biophysical equilibrium
>    approaches.
>    Contact
>    A. Veldkamp
>    Wageningen Agricultural University
>    Dept. Soil Science and Geology
>    P.O.Box 37
>    6700 AA Wageningen
>    The Netherlands.
>    Telephone: +31.317.484145 / 484410
>    Telefax: +31.317.482419
>    Prof.dr.ir. L.O. Fresco
>    Wageningen Agricultural University
>    Dept. Agronomy
>    P.O.Box 341
>    6700 AH Wageningen
>    The Netherlands.
>    Telephone: +31.317.483040
>    Telefax: +31.317.484575
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    * Ven, G.W.J. van de, 1996. A mathematical approach to
>    comparing environmental and economic goals in dairy farming on
>    sandy soils in the Netherlands. PhD Thesis, Wageningen
>    Agricultural University, The Netherlands. 240 pp.
>    ISBN: 90-5485-489-8
>    Abstract
>    A Dairy Farming Model was developed to screen the potentials
>    for development of dairy farming on sandy soils in the
>    Netherlands with respect to environmental, agro-technical and
>    economic demands. The Dairy Farming Model consists of
>    technical coefficient generators (TCG models) and an
>    interactive multiple goal linear programming model (IMGLP
>    model). The TCG models have been used to quantify input-output
>    coefficients for a wide range of production techniques for
>    grass, maize, fodder beet and milk. The results of the TCG
>    models have been used in the IMGLP model, that optimizes the
>    set of production techniques with respect to the goals
>    defined.
>    The model has been applied to a fictitious region with sandy
>    soils. The analysis shows that dairy farming can meet both
>    economic and environmental goals, as set by the government for
>    the year 2000. However, this requires a reduction in labour
>    income. Many different dairy farming systems are possible. A
>    few general characteristics are: low N application on grazed
>    grassland, a large proportion of the animals housed in
>    low-emission stables and a substantial part of the
>    concentrates produces in the region itself.
>    Application of the Dairy Farming Model to the situation at the
>    experimental dairy farm 'De Marke' has shown that the model is
>    suited for exploring the opportunities for the development of
>    dairy farming at a specific location, provided it can be
>    initialized for that situation. Initial farm lay-out and
>    measures taken at 'De Marke' have been evaluated.
>    Additional keywords: grassland, maize, fodder beet,
>    environment, economics, landscape, nitrogen, phosphorus,
>    modelling, linear programming
>    Contact
>    Dr. G.W.J. van de Ven
>    Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (AB-DLO)
>    P.O.Box 14
>    6700 AA Wageningen
>    The Netherlands.
>    Telephone: +31.317.475939
>    Telefax: +31.317.423110
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    * Bouma, J., A. Kuyvenhoven, B.A.M. Bouman, J.C. Luyten & H.G.
>    Zandstra (Eds.), 1995. Eco-regional approaches for sustainable
>    land use and food production. Proceedings of a symposium on
>    eco-regional approaches in agricultural research, 12-16
>    December 1994, ISNAR, The Hague. Systems approaches for
>    sustainable agricultural development, v. 4. Kluwer Academic
>    Publishers in cooperation with International Potato Center
>    (CIP). 505 pp.
>    ISBN: 0-7923-3608-9 (hardback).
>    Abstract
>    In the coming decades the world will need to more than double
>    its food and feed production, almost all of the increase being
>    needed in developing countries. This has socio-economic and
>    biophysical implications. Traditional component and commodity
>    research addresses overly narrow issues at too small a scale.
>    Rural development needs an eco-regional approach that
>    integrates biophysical and socio-economic work on cropping
>    systems, livestock, the environment, and natural resources.
>    This book contains the papers, response papers and discussion
>    report of a five-day seminar on eco-regional approaches. It
>    assesses the state of the art of systems approaches applied to
>    eco-regional problems, presenting and discussing a number of
>    case studies. Future research needs are discussed, as well as
>    ways to improve collaboration between research institutes.
>    The seminar on which the book is based was organised on behalf
>    of the Directorate General for International Cooperation of
>    the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Research
>    Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (AB-DLO), the
>    Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU), and the
>    International Potato Center (CIP). It was held at the
>    International Service for National Agricultural Research
>    (ISNAR), and was attended by participants from all CGIAR
>    centres, among others.
>    Sold and distributed
>    In the U.S.A. and Canada by:
>    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA
>    02061, United States.
>    In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer
>    Academic Publishers Group,
>    P.O.Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
>    * Bouman, B.A.M., March 1996. Remote sensing subroutines in
>    crop growth simulation models. Quantitative Approaches in
>    Systems Analysis No. 3. DLO Research Institute for Agrobiology
>    and Soil Fertility & The C.T. de Wit Graduate School for
>    Production Ecology, The Netherlands. 39 pp.
>    ISBN 90-73384-40-0
>    NUGI 835
>    New issue Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis
>    Recently, the third issue in the series Quantitative
>    Approaches in Systems Analysis (QUASA) appeared: Remote
>    sensing subroutines in crop growth simulation models. This
>    report is meant for researchers that study (optical and radar)
>    remote sensing of agricultural crops for purpose such as
>    classification, growth monitoring and yield prediction. The
>    report describes the implementation of optical and radar
>    remote sensing models as Fortran subroutines, and their
>    linkage with crop growth simulation models that are written in
>    the Fortran Simulation Environment (FSE), version 2.1 (see
>    first issue of QUASA: The FSE system for crop simulation;
>    D.W.G. van Kraalingen). The optical remote sensing routines
>    are based on the models EXTRAD and CLAIR, and on empirical
>    relationships between Leaf Area Index (LAI) and the Vegetation
>    Index WDVI. The radar remote sensing routines are based on the
>    one- and two-layer Cloud model. The remote sensing routines
>    are incorporated in so-called 'interfaces', subroutines that
>    can be called from crop growth models and that take care of
>    computations on variables that are needed in the remote
>    sensing routines. The interfaces are also written in FSE 2.1,
>    and have been implemented in FSE-SUCROS models for sugar beet,
>    wheat and potato.
>    The report, and the described software, are available from:
>    B.A.M. Bouman
>    Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (AB-DLO)
>    P.O.Box 14
>    6700 AA Wageningen
>    The Netherlands.
>    Telephone: +31.317.475972
>    Telefax: +31.317.423110
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis are issued by the
>    DLO Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility
>    (AB-DLO) and The C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production
>    Ecology (PE).
>    The address for ordering other copies of this series is:
>    H.E. de Ruiter
>    Wageningen Agricultural University
>    Department of Theoretical Production Ecology
>    P.O.Box 430
>    6700 AK Wageningen
>    The Netherlands.
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    * Maracchi, G., L. Fibbi & M. Bindi, 1996. A guide to data and
>    software sources for applied climatology on Internet. European
>    School of Climatology and Natural Hazards 'A course on climate
>    change impact on Agriculture and Forestry'. Volterra, Pisa,
>    Italy. 16-24 March 1996. 81 pp.
>    Contents
>    This manual attempts to provide essential information at a
>    technical level suitable for those who start to work on
>    different applications of Climatology including: data sources,
>    data processing, data representations, etc. For this purpose a
>    research on Internet has been performed to look for
>    information on the main available climatic data banks and
>    software packages. For each topic a brief description of its
>    characteristics and Internet address of the institutions and
>    people who may be contacted are provided. Further information
>    and demos, however, are available at Internet addresses
>    reported for each topic and in a companion guide "Researching
>    Meteo Data for Agrometeorology on the Internet" printed within
>    of COST actions 711-77-79.
>    The work is organised into 4 sections. The first section
>    summarises the wide range of sources available for
>    meteorological data. Other sections provide a general overview
>    of the main software packages available on the market for data
>    organisation, data processing, spatial and cartographic
>    representation and other climatological applications.
>    Contact
>    Prof. G. Maracchi
>    I.A.T.A. - C.N.R.
>    Institute of Agrometeorology and Environmental Analysis for
>    Agriculture
>    Piazzale delle Cascine 18
>    I-50144 Firenze, Italy.
>    Telephone: +39.55.354895/7
>    Telefax: +39.55.350833/332472
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    * Wopereis, M.C.S., B.A.M. Bouman, T.P. Tuong, H.F.M. ten
>    Berge & M.J. Kropff, February 1996. ORYZA_W: rice growth model
>    for irrigated and rainfed environments. Wageningen:
>    DLO-Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility;
>    Wageningen: WAU-Department of Theoretical Production Ecology;
>    Los Banos: International Rice Research Institute. SARP
>    Research Proceedings. 159 pp.
>    ISBN: 90-73384-39-7
>    NUGI: 835
>    Preface
>    This volume of the SARP Research Proceedings presents ORYZA_W
>    version 3.0, a simulation model for irrigated and rainfed rice
>    production. The above-ground crop growth part of ORYZA_W is
>    based on ORYZA1, version 1.3, described in another volume of
>    this series.
>    ORYZA_W provides the user with a choice of three
>    one-dimensional soil-water balance modules: PADDY, SAHEL and
>    LOWBAL. SAHEL and LOWBAL are already familiar to researchers
>    in the SARP network. Use of these two modules is, however,
>    limited to specific environments. SAHEL was developed for
>    freely draining 'upland' rice soils with a deep groundwater
>    table and LOWBAL for 'lowland' rice soils with a hard plow
>    sole (impenetrable for roots) and a deep groundwater tale.
>    Because of their frequent use in SARP, SAHEL and LOWBAL are
>    explained in detail in this volume. PADDY was especially
>    developed to provide the user with a universal soil-water
>    balance module. It can handle any soil condition (puddled /
>    non-puddled, free draining / impeded drainage, cracking /
>    non-cracking) in irrigated and rainfed rice growing
>    environments, and can also be used in rice / non-rice
>    rotations. All soil-water balance modules presented here work
>    with time steps of 1 day. We hope that ORYZA_W will prove to
>    be of value for your research.
>    Further information
>    Dr.ir. H.F.M. ten Berge
>    Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (AB-DLO)
>    P.O.Box 14
>    6700 AA Wageningen
>    The Netherlands.
>    Telephone: +31.317.475951 / 475953
>    Telefax: +31.317.423110
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    * Habekotte, B., 1996. Winter oilseed rape: analysis of yield
>    formation and crop type design for higher yield potential. PhD
>    Thesis, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands.
>    156 pp.
>    ISBN: 90-5485-514-2
>    Abstract
>    The study described in this thesis focuses on quantifying the
>    seed yield formation of winter oilseed rape and on identifying
>    crop traits and combinations of traits for increasing seed
>    potential in North-West Europe, by combining experimental
>    research with crop growth simulation.
>    The model was used to identify options for increasing seed
>    yield potential. Comparison with the higher-yielding reference
>    crop, winter wheat, showed determining components. Crop traits
>    and combinations of traits were identified to obtain higher
>    values in these components. Finally, high-yielding crop types
>    were designed and tested in simulations for various locations
>    in North-West Europe and showed good prospects for increasing
>    seed yield potential.
>    Contact
>    Dr. B. Habekotte
>    Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (AB-DLO)
>    P.O.Box 14
>    6700 AA Wageningen
>    The Netherlands.
>    Telefax: +31.317.423110
>    * Meinke, H., 1996. Improving wheat simulation capabilities in
>    Australia from a cropping systems perspective. Thesis Landbouw
>    Universiteit Wageningen. - With ref. - With summary in Dutch.
>    270 pp.
>    ISBN: 90-5485-511-8
>    Abstract
>    A methodology to objectively compare model components within a
>    cropping systems model is introduced. It allows effective and
>    efficient comparisons of modelling approaches with the help of
>    a versatile cropping systems shell. This highly modular
>    simulation environment allows inclusion of desired modules at
>    the click of a button. The methodology is applied to some key
>    wheat models currently in use for systems analysis and
>    decision support in Australia. Thus, comprehensive data sets
>    for model testing were required. One such data set, comprising
>    various levels of applied nitrogen and water, is analysed
>    using a crop physiological framework that provides all
>    necessary parameter values for inclusion into a predictive
>    wheat model of intermediate complexity.
>    Among others, it will be applied in Australia to investigate
>    options for manipulating either the crop or the cropping
>    system as an aid to pursuing improved sustainable farming
>    practices.
>    Contact
>    Holger Meinke
>    Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit
>    P.O.Box 102
>    Toowoomba
>    QLD 4350 Australia.
>    Telephone: +61.76.314378
>    Telefax: +61.76.332678
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>                              *   *   *
>                           THE MARKET PLACE
>    Do you feel that the research of your team is insufficiently
>    known? In this section, we welcome a short description of your
>    systems research group. We will also welcome offers of
>    specific expertise or data, and calls for the same.
>    MODEL
>    CROPSYST (Stockle and Nelson, 1994, 1996) is designated as an
>    user-friendly, conceptually simple model and as an analytical
>    tool to study the effect of cropping system management on
>    productivity and environment.
>    The findings of 4 months spent at DLO-Research Institute for
>    Agrobiology and Soil Fertility of Wageningen (The Netherlands)
>    to test CROPSYST are reported below.
>    With respect to crop growth testing (winter wheat), CROPSYST
>    showed a high skill in predicting flowering date, a quite
>    general inability to simulate green leaf area index, a general
>    tendency in underestimating above ground biomass (less
>    accentuated at the end of the growing season). With respect to
>    technical testing (system and code) an incomplete level of
>    documentation (unupdated manual and undocumented parameters),
>    an incomplete ability in preventing strange behaviour under
>    limit and impossible conditions, large discontinuities in many
>    parameters, lack of mass and energy balances (except for
>    nitrogen transport) were pointed out. CROPSYST interface
>    proved to be transparent and directly accessible to the model
>    users. Therefore, thanks to this model the analysis of the
>    experiments was performed easily with a depth and accuracy
>    following the evolution of the crop under the influence of
>    variable and fluctuating environmental conditions. This is due
>    to the fact that CROPSYST requires input parameters easily
>    available through the normal agronomic practice. Such a simple
>    approach and the transparent interface play an important role
>    in ensuring that a great number of potential model users can
>    be reached, increasing the impact of system analysis to
>    agriculture. It is hoped that this program will not remain
>    inside a closed group of people, as commonly happens.
>    Dr. Gianni Bellocchi
>    Dipartimento di Agronomia e Gestione dell'Agroecosistema
>    via S. Michele degli Scalzi, 2
>    56124 Pisa
>    Italy.
>    Telephone: +39.50.599111
>    Telefax: +39.50.540633
>    Internet:[log in to unmask]
>    In this section we would like to make some room for PhD
>    project topics of students around the world. Just send us your
>    name, the PhD project topic, the supervisor, and Internet
>    address. In future the list of PhD topics will be put on the
>    World Wide Web pages of CAMASE.
>    The topic was suggested by mr. Mohammed Bannayan Avval, who
>    send us the list the following people at his office at the
>    University of Nottingham.
>    - Students name: Mr. J.P. Absalom.
>    PhD topic: Radiocasmium fixation dynamics in upland soils;
>    measurement and modelling.
>    Supervisor: Dr. N. Crout, and dr. S.D. Young.
>    Finish date: September, 1995.
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    - Students name: Mr. M. Bannayan Avval.
>    PhD topic: Winter wheat yield, modelling and forecasting.
>    Supervisor: Dr. N. Crout
>    Finish date: April 1998.
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    - Students name: Mr. A. Guilett.
>    PhD topic: Predictive information on plant development in
>    relation to yield and quality.
>    Supervisor: Dr. N. Crout, and dr. R. Sylvester-Bradley.
>    Finish date: June, 1996.
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    - Students name: Mr. J. Turnpenny.
>    PhD topic: Impact of climate change on the energy balance of
>    livestock.
>    Supervisor: Dr. J. Clark.
>    Finish date: October, 1997.
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    ====================================================================
>    CAMASE is financially supported by the European Community
>    Specific Programme for Research, Technological Development and
>    Demonstration in the Field of Agriculture and Agro-industry,
>    including Fisheries.
>    The objectives of CAMASE are to advance quantitative
>    research on agricultural systems and their environment in the
>    EU-countries, by improving systems research in participating
>    institutes through exchange and standardization of concepts,
>    approaches, knowledge, computer programs and data.
>    CAMASE relates to a small network of research groups, and a
>    broad group of scientists receiving information. The network
>    consists of scientists from five groups in Europe: Denmark
>    (Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen),
>    France (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,
>    Toulouse), Spain (Cordoba University, Cordoba), Scotland
>    (Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, Edinburgh) and
>    The Netherlands (AB-DLO, TPE-WAU and SC-DLO, Wageningen).
>    With CAMASE_NEWS, we aim to improve communication among
>    scientists working in agro-ecosystem modelling and interested
>    in better access to appropriate models, data, and related
>    tools, instruction materials. CAMASE-core groups and others
>    can contribute spontaneously or will be invited to contribute.
>    Responsibility for the opinions expressed rests with the
>    authors.
>    CAMASE_NEWS will appear four times per year. Please submit
>    news items for CAMASE_NEWS and requests for new subscriptions
>    to:
>    F.W.T. Penning de Vries/M.C. Plentinger
>    DLO Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility
>    (AB-DLO)
>    P.O.Box 14
>    The Netherlands
>    Telephone: +31.317.475961
>    Telefax: +31.317.423110
>    Internet: [log in to unmask]
>    After an e-mail request for subscription, you will receive
>    a form to give your address, which is necessary for postal
>    mailings.
>    ====================================================================
Gerrit Hoogenboom
Associate Professor
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
The University of Georgia
Griffin, Georgia 30223-1797, USA
Phone:  770-228-7216
FAX:    770-228-7218
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]