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Eric Jallas <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 9 Nov 1997 17:30:35 -0600
Pour ton info, au cas ou tu n'irais pas à Rome... on pourra alors monter des coups sur la Chine !  A part cela je me mets à l'Italien.
-----Original Message-----
From:   Hong Wang [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Sunday, November 09, 1997 5:14 PM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        DSSAT application
Now we (Dr. Jame and I) are back from China. The trip was great. My
impression is that many Chinese scientists did lots of good research
work on some areas. The integrated work and application are relatively
poor, however. They need to improve 'teem works' and involve in
international cooperation.
Thank you for all who sent me information on DSSAT applications before
my trip to China. Following are all responses to me about that subject.
Dr. Hartkamp, would you please send me copies of papers listed on
Table 2? Thanks.
Hong Wang
Box 1030
Swift Current, SK
Canada S9H 3X2
From:   Alan Moulin <[log in to unmask]>
Date:   10/10/97 6:51am
Subject:        DSSAT application examples -Reply
These are two papers on CERES and other models which
evaluate the potential for prediction of grain yield, and
management of nitrates in agricultural soils.
1993    Moulin, A.P. and Beckie, H.J.  1993.  Evaluation of
the CERES and EPIC models for predicting spring wheat
grain yield over time.  Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:713-719.
Beckie, H.J., Moulin, A.P., Campbell, C.A. and Brandt,
S.A.  1995.  Testing effectiveness of four simulation
models for estimating nitrates and water in two soils.  Can.
J. Soil Sci. 75:135-143
From:   Gerrit Hoogenboom <[log in to unmask]>
To:     Hong Wang <[log in to unmask]>
Date:   10/10/97 8:40am
Subject:        Re: DSSAT application examples -Reply
The answer is yes !!
Just do a search in the literature using DSSAT, CERES, SOYGRO,
BEANGRO etc as keywords and you will get a lot of hits.
Also, we have published Proceedings of our workshop that are called
Applications.  I can send you a copy if you are interested,
Gerrit Hoogenboom
Associate Professor
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
The University of Georgia
Griffin, Georgia 30223-1797, USA
Phone:  770-229-3438 (New !)
Fax:    770-228-7218
E-mail:  [log in to unmask] (New !)
From:   John Mascoe <[log in to unmask]>
To:     AGCAN.INTERNET("[log in to unmask]","vancoe@IX.N...
Date:   4/10/97 1:29pm
Subject:        Re: DSSAT application examples
I will be running some validations with data sets from commerical farming
operations. I
am working on commerical applications of several models including
DSSAT. I will be using
1997 data.  We are just now harvesting so I do not have examples now.
Best Regards
From:   "D.Hartkamp (NRG -CIMMYT, INT.)"
<[log in to unmask]>
To:     AGCAN.INTERNET("[log in to unmask]","D.HARTKAMP@...
Date:   10/13/97 12:03pm
Subject:        China's modeling & DSSAT application examples
Hello Hong
I don't know if you've already found these references but the attached
help you.
This table belongs to an article I'm writing (together with Jeff White and
Gerrit Hogenboom) about Interfacing GIS and agronomic models.
 About the China modeling efforts question Jeromy Woods had. Are you
refering to the international symposium on modeling for crop climate soil
and pest systems and applications in sustainable crop production
(MCCSP) to
be held june 22-26 1998 in Nanjijng, China?
Good luck
Dewi Hartkamp
Table 2. Applications of DSSAT models for different purposes
and at different scales
Application     Scale   Reference
Crop variability        Farm/field      Calixte et al. (1992)
                Hoogenboom and Thornton (1990)
                Hoogenboom et al. (1993)
        Regional        Carbone et al. (1996)
                Haskett et al. (1995)
                Lal et al. (1993)
                Papajorgji et al. (1993)
                Thornton et al. (1995)
Climate variability     Farm/field      Wei et al., 1994
        Regional        Papajorgji et al. (1994)
                Rosenzweig (1990)
<[log in to unmask]>
To:     AGCAN.INTERNET("[log in to unmask]","sbxbam@SBN2...
Date:   10/13/97 5:06am
Subject:        DSSAT Application Examples
To see some of the the DSSAT models examples, have a look at the
refrences of Dr G. Hoogenboom first.(As the main or co-author)
In my case I am applying the CERES-Wheat to find the possibility of
having a real time approach grain yield forecast within the growing
I think it's not a bad idea if you put all the mails you recieve
regarding this subject in one place and send it to DSSAT mailing
University of Nottingham, Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Physiology and Environmental Sci.
Tel: (44)-115 -9516254 (new)
Fax: (44)-115 -9516267
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
From:   Jeremy Woods <[log in to unmask]>
To:     AGCAN.INTERNET("[log in to unmask]","jeremy.wood...
Date:   10/13/97 3:15am
Subject:        Re: DSSAT in China-application examples
I have just returned from the First International Sweet Sorghum =
Conference, held in Beijing last month and did not hear any mention of =
computer-based crop modeling activities in China. =20
Does anyone know of any Chinese research groups actively using
DSSAT in =
China?  I am particularly interested in sorghum, but it would be =
interesting to hear about other crop modelling work over there.
Jeremy Woods
Life Sciences
King's College London
London W8 7AH
Tel: +44 (171) 333-4315
Fax:                     -4500
WWW: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/links/jwoods.html
From:   "Andre du Toit" <[log in to unmask]>
To:     Hong Wang <[log in to unmask]>
Date:   10/13/97 4:18am
Subject:        Re: DSSAT application examples
Date:          Mon, 13 Oct 1997 08:23:00 +0200
Hallo Hong
A combined project between Freestate Agric department  and us
(ARC-GCI) use the CERES-Maize of DSSAT3 to do maize yield
for the last 3 years.  Because of the possible  El Nino effect for the
on South Africa maize production,  we determined the best production
practices to minimize the effect of  El Nino. This was done  for 4
sites, using historical  El Nino weather data. A combination of
management practices was and will be planted. At the end of the
season we will comparing the recommendations from DSSAT3 with trial
data. We want to know if we could use long-term weather predictions
to do seasonal site specific recommendations.  We also have evaluated
DSSAT3's seasonal analysis  against long term management field trials.
We are going to use DSSAT3 to evaluates the influence of climate
change on maize production in South Africa.
Regards Andre
From:   "Wei, Jun" <[log in to unmask]>
To:     AGCAN.INTERNET("[log in to unmask]","jwei@DOWELA...
Date:   10/13/97 1:19pm
Subject:        Re: DSSAT in China-application examples
Chinese researchers have started crop modeling activities approximately
since late 70's or early 80's.  However, the national research group
farmed in 1986, and started a 5-year national research project
by the Ministry of Agriculture.  We focused on wheat (Beijing
Agricultural University, Chinese Academy of Agriculture), rice (Jiangshu
Academy of Agriculture, Guangdong Academy of Agriculture), corn
(Shenyang Agricultural University and Chinese Academy of Agriculture)
and cotton (cotton Institute of Chinese Academy of Agriculture).
In 1989, Dr. Joe Ritchie went to Nanjing to have a workshop with the
research group and other researchers who were interested in modeling.
After that, Shenyang Agricultural University, the group I was in,
combined CERES Maize with expert system to build framework of a
support system.  This framework also contained weather generator.
rice and wheat groups basically had their own approaches and cotton
group somehow had some relationship with GOSSYM-COMAX.
The results of the first 5-year were pretty good, so from 1991, this
national research project continued another 5 year period with the
similar research groups.  I am not sure what were the results since I
was gone.  Now a new project is launched supported by Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.  At least one of my former
colleagues is involving in this project.  I think Dr. Hong Wang and Dr.
Yih-Wu James may know more about that.  Meanwhile, I guess there are
some other groups involving the crop modeling, too.  One of group may
from meteorology Institute of Chinese Academy of Agriculture for climate
As far as I know, no researchers or groups have worked on sorghum
specifically.  However, I know a couple of leading Chinese scientists of
(sweet) sorghum in breeding and agricultural engineering.  They are all
very active internationally, too.  Let me know if you need their
Jun Wei    Ph. D.                 Tel:    (317) 337-3775
DowElanco                          Fax:   (317) 337-3215
Building 306/D2                   email: [log in to unmask]
9330 Zionsville Rd.                        [log in to unmask]
Indianapolis, IN 46268