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Eduardo Orias <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Eduardo Orias <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 May 2005 08:32:37 -0700
text/plain (95 lines)
Dear colleagues:
I forward this workshop announcement in case anyone in the ciliate research
community is interested.
Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:08 PM
Subject: Workshop: Advances in Genome Technology and Bioinformatics

> Advances in Genome Technology and Bioinformatics Course
> Marine Biological Laboratory & The Institute for Genome Research
> October 4 - October 30, 2005
> A comprehensive, four-week course in Genome Science that will
> integrate Bioinformatics with the latest laboratory techniques for
> genome sequencing, genome analysis, and high throughput gene
> expression (DNA microarrays). A distinguished faculty from major
> universities, bioinformatic centers, The Institute for Genomic
> Research and the Marine Biological Laboratory will train students
> including postdoctoral students, graduate students and established
> PI's. This cutting-edge course will integrate a series of lectures
> with laboratory exercises both at the computer and in a high
> technology, high throughput facility. Limited to 24 students.
> The major instructional modules include (1) Genome Sequencing (vector
> development, library construction, high throughput sequencing
> technologies, principles of automation using advanced robotic liquid
> handlers, genome assembly algorithms and closure strategies); (2)
> Bioinformatics (Gene prediction algorithms,annotation, database
> construction and searching, phylogenetics and molecular evolution);
> and (3) Functional Genomics (DNA microarrays, data analysis). In
> addition, we will sponsor symposia in topical areas in genome
> science. Examples of symposia to be offered include: Advances in
> genome assembly; Genomes and development; Genome science and
> environmental biology; Genome evolution; Impact of genome science on
> Drug design; etc. The breadth of topics in genome science and the
> advanced training based upon advanced laboratory technology,
> distinguish this course from all other offerings.
> Directors:
> Claire M. Fraser, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Mitchell L. Sogin, The Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole.
> 2004 Course Faculty:
> Tove Andersson, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Claudia Bertonati, Columbia University
> Nirmal Bhagabati, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Shanda Birkeland, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> Gary Churchill, The Jackson Laboratory
> Michael Cipriano, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> Jonathan Eisen, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Tamara Feldblyum, J. Craig Venter Science Foundation
> Rich Fox, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> Claire Fraser, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Renee Gaspard, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Robert Gentleman, Harvard School of Public Health
> John Gill, J. Craig Venter Science Foundation
> Steve Gill, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Leslie Graham, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> Kasia Hammar, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> Eric P. Hoffman, Children's National Medical Center
> David Jaffe, Broad Institute
> Patrick Keeling, University of British Columbia
> Ewen Kirkness, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Norman Lee, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Wei Liang, The Institute for Genomic Research
> William Majoros, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Andrew McArthur, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> Hilary Morrison, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> William Nierman, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Gary J. Olsen, University of Illinois
> Bert Olsson, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> William Pearson, University of Virginia
> Scott Peterson, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Mihai Pop, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Marco Punta, Columbia University
> John Quackenbush, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Alexander Saeed, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Steven Salzberg, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Vasily Sharov, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Mitchell Sogin, The Marine Biological Laboratory
> Luke Tallon, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Herve Tettelin, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Andy Tolonen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Joseph White, The Institute for Genomic Research
> Owen White, The Institute for Genomic Research