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Lynn Scheu <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 23:17:11 -0600
text/plain (93 lines)
>MG being the real culprit? Good observation and one that i never thought
>of. Do you think he would be that bent on revenge as to start all of these
>rumors?? I would appreciate your ideas on this, could I ask why MG and why
>would he be after us...I know that you have your finger on the pulse of
>whats going on so please speculate as to why?
MG hates.  That is about it. I could tell you old stories and ones I had
personal knowledge of, but you'll have to ask  for them, and I would rather
not commit them to writing. Suffice it to say he will sue one's rear off in
the bat of an eye. He even threatened to sue COA. He is a person who
believes he is smarter than all the rest of us put together. He hates the
Miami club because he quit in a funk...threatened to sue Miami because they
were using his auction format, as I hear it.  He is a person who will shoot
himself in the foot also, trying to kill an ant on the sidewalk. He will use
an innocent to get at an enemy, and I have seen him do this more than once.
Let's call Miami the innocent, and DD is the enemy. Which he is. He could
care less who he hurts, including innocents.  However, I believe the other
baddie in the deal is CT.  Who was hanging with MG just before MG's world
came crashing down about this time last year. It was CT who spread the
rumors to folks at the ATSC show BEFORE he ever showed up at the Miami
venue. I know two who SWEAR it was CT who told them the rumor and it was
there and of those two would have only been on hand then and
there too...he came down south just for the show and went right back home.
>As for DD I do think it would be better to put out the olive branch and
>maybe offer him the transcripts of what was accually said in that exchange
>between Emilio and myself as there was never a statemnet made inditing DD
>with the rumors or show problems, it was the other people who put names in.
>I should exsplain to DD that I was only trying to inlist help with getting
>dealers to our show. Sometimes I do wish that people weren't so quick as to
>make trouble where there didn't need to be . Now coming from me that would
>sound hypocritical but if you think about what i had writen it was more in
>the spirit of getting help and not so much of blasting someone. I did want
>to point out that we were being unfairly black listed.
Well, if you would like to tell DD all this, I say go for it.  I have told
him already in your defense thatyou are a new club member and really were
not on the spot at the  time and were only repeating what had been told to
you by your new friends.  And I told him also to remember that things always
shifted slightly in retelling. I told him you were not malicious or
intending to finger him for the job. I told him you and I had done a lot of
talking. But in view of the number of PI-US calls he felt compelled to make,
he was pretty upset and deserves to be treated like a wronged party, even if
he is not WHOLLY innocent.
>The kemphers have come aboard along with two others but i don't remember
>who, it wasn't one of the biggies though.
>I thought that St pete decided to cancel their own show?
No, they have made it non-competitive, I heard...or no, maybe that is SWFCS
who did that.  No I heard St. Pete was having problems.  That is all.
Personally, I do not see why some of the clubs with show problems, Miami
included, don't bond with a nearby club and co-sponsor shows. Like Broward?
>DD is not a member as he never renewed. He also snobbed us on an auction
>donation. but then so did CC. You know I wouldn't leave CC out of the
>"suspects" page by the way as he is about as trustworth as the as a rat. He
>once got real interested in one of my ships, He had me drive all the way up
>to daytona and once thjere he started nenogciating the deal. At first it
>was to be a straight trade but once there he started putting down my
>craftsmanship. I finally got him to settle on a deal and it wasn't in my
>favor. Yes I could have just taken the ship home but after driving all the
>way up there I wasn't about to just say no. He had set out a bunch of
>common stuff saying that he didn't have anything else to trade, A collector
>came by and he had to bring out the good stuff, in the end I did leave the
>common and took the rare.
>By the way after all of his whinning about the lack of craftsmanship one of
>my friends who attended one of his open houses said he was bragging about
>it to everyone...have you ever been to his daytona house? if you do go you
>can't miss the ship...thats it for now,,,,mark
Sounds like you know the same CC as I know.  A manipulative, conniving,
too-smart-for-his-own-good arrogant jerk.  Who lies and threatens because he
thinks it makes him powerful. He is going to gradually (but a pretty rapid
gradual, at that) cut his own throat, just like CT.  No, I do not leave CC
out of the suspects page on ANYTHING, EVER! I too have suffered at his
hands, six times that I can remember.  No, I am not a slow learner, just
willing to give a second chance, but as I have to be representative of COA
and this was COA business, I had to do what I had to do. and kept getting
burned. There is a good way to get back at these baddies and that is to pass
the word that they do what they do. No need to tell anything but the truth.
They give you plenty of ammunition.
All the scandal for tonight, ok?  We might be able to be burned at the stake
at this rate. Email makes me nervous...reply button errors are my downfall.
Actually I never use it any more, preferring to be safe and slow and cut and
Emilio's friend, Kalil, who thinks you need a new screen name too for this
sort of communication. I call CC Yucky Chucky or YC, or just Yuck. Burn this.