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"Thomas A. Burch" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 09:08:53 -1000
text/plain (92 lines)
        Frankly, I don't want the subject matter on this list censored.  The
only way some of the objectors could be satisfied would be to have every
reviewed by a committee before it was posted and I suspect that more people
would be dissatisfied with their choices than with the present system--except
they wouldn't know because they wouldn't see the ones that were censored.  If
you don't like flying pigs or Homo sapiens, ignore them.  Also, when a
is asked, I like to see the answer.
        If you are looking for email from a specific person, you don't have to
read the others.  Just read the ones you want.
                        Aloha,          Tom Burch
At 05:33 PM 3/17/99 , Carol Simpson wrote:
>I think there is too much space taken up on the list with stuff that gones
>on FO R E E V E R! and doesn't contribute that much  or interest the
>majority of the subscirbers.  There's too much posting to the list that
>could be done privately!  And it's getting to be a little too much!  I've
>been close to unsubscribing when I open up my email and there are 34
>postings--and I had just been on a few hours earlier when there were another
>45 postings.  I haven't checked, but it seems there were at least "a bunch"
>of postings about the age of shell collectors., plus other questions that
>went ON and ON    Seems like one message explaining how kids have other
>things like the Internet, Chat rooms  and more interesting stuff to do
>should be sufficient.  Where  do these people get all this time to be on
>their computers?"
>I love being on the conch-l because I have learned so much--but it seems to
>me there is just TOO much being posted,  Lets get back the conversations
>that the majority of us understands and leave all the really technical stuff
>to those who  can understand--and they can relay their opinions, etc.
>Sorry if I appear  to be on my soapbox--it's been a bad week.  I'm looking
>for emails from my family, because I'm trying to arrange a family reunion
>mainly for the benefit of a terminally ill brother.  Every time I log on,
>there"s a zillion messages  from Conch-L about stuff that has been beat to
>death already.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Lynn Scheu <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 6:35 PM
>Subject: Re: OBJECTION
>>Thank you so much for standing up to it. What is wrong with these people?
>>I have apparently been living a very sheltered existence for a lot of
>>years, thinking that most intelligent and adult people were broadly
>>tolerant of others, at least in public!  Conch L since the first of the
>>year has been reeducating me!  We thought the Ferret could be bad!   We can
>>only wish, now!
>>First today there is the message that prompted Glenn's note and now this
>>piece of contorted hate mail rom Glenn. I have been out cutting grass for
>>the first time this year, and feeling that the sky is blue, the crocuses
>>and narcissus are blooming, my flu is gone and all's right with the world.
>>That splat you just heard was me hitting the ground as I opened my email!
>>For almost three years, in good times and in bad, I have felt very good
>>about being one of the moving forces in starting Conch-L. Now I want to
>>hide my head. And I am dying inside for so many good friends. Do you think
>>any good can come of this?
>>>I am offended by this hateful message
>>>>stop them then who do we get next. The computer people, the Homos or the
>>>>flying pig. I dont mind punching out things that are of no interest to me
>>>>because I know someone out there is getting some good out of it. For sure
>>>>should use private e-mail as much as possable.  GLENN TOLMAN HOUSTON
>>>John Wolff
>>>2640 Breezewood Dr.
>>>Lancaster, PA 17601, U.S.A.
Thomas A. Burch and Beatrice L. Burch
P.O. Box 309, Kailua, Hawaii, USA 96734
Phone: 808-261-7465  FAX: 808-263-6408
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