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DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 4 Feb 2007 08:37:45 -0800
DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]>
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"Dr.Gamal Salah" <[log in to unmask]>
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  Thanks for your interesting African Scientists.
  About START Program we tried with them several times but we failed to get anything but  in fact I don't know the reasons .
  So if you know any possibilty to collaborate with any group we are ready for that.
  In fact I am using WRF (Weather Research Forecast,NCAR Boulder Colorado)the latest version in our department and try to build a WRF community in Egypt so we need also the WRF-Chem to run it bcause Cairo is one of megacities; these cities are facing air pollution
problems. Concternations from man-made gaseous and particulates rank among
the highest in the world. In addition to this locally-produced aerosol,
huge amounts of other aerosols can be transported to Cairo and some cities
in Egypt at two specific periods of the year.

1)In spring seasons (March-April-May) starts the 'dust season' that peaks
in March and April. During this period mineral dust released in deserts by
wind erosion are transported to both cities by strong southern or
south-western dry winds (Khamsin depressions).
2)In autumn seasons (September- October- November) and due to weather
situation is more stable these cities undergo many local problems due
thermal inversions near the ground. This phenomena leads to a trapping of
the pollution in the boundary layer, causing more environmental problems
to these cities. For instance, in October and November a large temporal
enhancement in local pollution can be observed in Cairo. This phenomenon,
also nicknamed the 'black cloud', happens to coincide with the period
during which peasants in the countryside burn rice residues after
harvesting. To this day, it is not clear whether the 'black cloud' results
from transport of the biomass burning cloud to Cairo or is more simply due
to specific meteorological conditions that are particularly favorable at
that time of year to accumulation of urban pollution over the city.

I visited NCAR last Summer as I invited by Prof.Roy Rasmussen and Prof.Tom
RAL hosted and assisted me in learning to use the WRF model. During this
visit, plans were made to launch a collaborative research project with two
universities in Cairo, and a proposal was written to the U.S. State
Department to develop a mesoscale modeling capability in Egypt.

So we need also from NOAA to support us in addition to NCAR and trying to
find a collaboration between the American scientists and our
meteorological community in Egypt.

Thanks for your time and hope to collaborate with you and American organizations and Universities.
With my kind regards

  Gerrit Hoogenboom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
  >Capacity Building Programs: African Small Grants
>Past START/PACOM Awardees
>| 2003
>2007 Call for Propoasals
>Small Research Grants for African Global Change Scientists
>In 2003 the International START Secretariat and
>the Pan African START Committee (PACOM), with
>funding from the United States National Science
>Foundation/ US Climate Change Science Program
>(NSF/USCCSP), initiated a program of small
>research grants to global change scientists in
>Africa. Awards are made to scientists based at
>African institutions for research projects related to:
>1) Climate Variability and Climate Change in Africa
>2) Impacts/Adaptations/Vulnerability to Global Change
>3) Land Use and Ecosystem Change
>4) Bio-geochemical Fluxes, and
>5) Biodiversity.
>All projects fall within the research frameworks
>of START's sponsoring programs (IHDP, IGBP, and
>WCRP). Many of them also contribute to the joint
>research projects of the Earth System Science
>Partnership: Water Systems, the Global Carbon
>Cycle, and Global Change and Food Security.
>For more information, contact:
>Email: [log in to unmask]
>************START/PACOM 2007 CALL FOR PROPOSALS************
>A Call for Research Proposals related to Environmental Change
>tendered to the African Global Change Research Community
>- PDF
>sheet - Word
>I. Background
>The Mission of START and PACOM
>START, the global change SysTem for Analysis,
>Research and Training, co-sponsored by the Earth
>Systems Science Partnership[1], seeks to enhance
>the scientific capacity of developing regions to
>conduct global change research. START promotes
>regional collaborative research networks, which
>conduct research on regional aspects of
>environmental change, assess impacts and
>vulnerabilities to such changes, and provide
>information to policy-makers. START mobilizes
>resources to support infrastructure and research
>programs on environmental change within
>developing regions and provides a variety of
>capacity building opportunities aimed at young
>scientists who are pursuing global change
>research within these regions. Through its
>various activities, START enhances the
>scientific capacity of developing countries to
>address the complex processes of environmental change and degradation.
>PACOM, the Pan-African Committee for START,
>serves as a regional coordination body for
>START’s activities in Africa. PACOM is comprised
>of scientists and policy-makers who are actively
>engaged in activities addressing issues related
>to global change and its relation to sustainable
>development. The Pan-African START Secretariat,
>based at the University of Nairobi, serves as
>the coordinating office for START’s activities in Africa.
>Call for Proposals
>START, through funding from the US National
>Science Foundation on behalf of the United
>States Climate Change Science Program, is able
>to offer this Call for Proposals. The objectives
>of this call are: 1) to directly contribute to
>global change science in Africa; 2) to enhance
>the understanding of the impacts and
>consequences of global changes in Africa, 3) to
>create long-term, collaborative research
>partnerships between African scientists and
>those in developed countries, and 4) to foster
>the integration of African researchers into the
>international global change research programmes
>To be eligible for consideration, the proposals
>must explicitly address priority issues
>identified in the frameworks of START’s
>sponsoring programs (IGBP, IHDP, and WCRP) of
>the Earth System Science Partnership. In this
>round, priority will be assigned to proposals
>that focus on the following three themes:
>Theme 1: Climate Variability & Climate Change, especially:
>Theme 2: Impacts/Adaptations/Vulnerability to Climate Change
>Theme 3: Land Use Change/Ecosystems/Biogeochemical Change/Biodiversity
>African scientists currently funded by START may
>not submit requests for new support under this call
>Applications (including cover sheet, proposal
>descriptions and attachments) of more than 16
>(sixteen) pages will not be accepted.
>This guide explains the types of proposals that
>will be considered, the method and format of the
>application process, the peer-review, and
>decision-making process. This information is
>also available from the START website
>II. Procedure for Proposals
>1. Eligibility
>To be eligible for consideration under the
>START/PACOM 2005 Call for Proposals a proposal
>must meet the following basic criteria:
> * Relate to an area of scientific interest
> within the Framework of this Call (see above)
> * While overseas partnerships are
> encouraged, the principal proponent(s) must be based in an African institution
> * Follow the form specified below under “Format for Proposals”
> * Include the one-page cover sheet
> (attached); The TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES MAY NOT EXCEED 16 (sixteen).
> * Arrive at the International START
> Secretariat no later than midnight (24:00) – US
> Eastern Time – on Wednesday 28 February 2007.
>Proposals that fail to meet these basic criteria
>will not be considered for funding.
>2. Funding Limit
>The intent is to make around 10 awards in this
>round; typical award levels are in the range of
>US$15,000. Selected projects are expected to
>begin around 01 June 2007 and must be completed by 31 May 2008.
>3. Eligible proposals will be evaluated against the criteria outlined below:
> * Technical soundness
> * Building regional capacity for global change research
> * Developing and/or strengthening
> collaborative research relationships between African
> * scientists and overseas partners
> * Developing and/or strengthening links with
> government policy and programmes
> * Developing and/or strengthening relations
> with regional and international global change
> research programmes and inter-governmental bodies and mechanisms
>Support may be requested for activities which:
> * Address knowledge gaps in key research areas
> * Include capacity building as part of the research activities
> * Develop products suitable for policy,
> decision-makers such as integrated assessments
> impact assessments, regional climate models, etc.
>Support will not be provided for:
> * Costs incurred by the developed country
> participant with the exception of limited
> travel support for collaboration with African researchers
> * Operating costs of institutions
> * Establishment or maintenance of long-term
> routine observation and monitoring systems
>4. Timetable
>Proposals Due: no later than midnight (24:00) –
>US Eastern Time – on Wednesday, 28 February
>2007, to the International START Secretariat.
>(All applications will be acknowledged as they are received and processed.)
>Award Decisions: Proponents will be notified by
>01 May 2007 of the outcome of their application.
>III. Format for Proposals
>All proponents are required to complete the
>one-page cover sheet (Attachment 1). In
>addition, the main body of the proposal should
>be a maximum of five pages (plus the four
>specified appendices of) in the format outlined
>below. The TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES MAY NOT EXCEED 16 (sixteen).
>Information Required
>Project Title
>Title of the proposed project.
>Detailed Proposal
>Description of the entire project, START/PACOM
>funded portion, work plan, timeline, etc.
>expanding where necessary on information provided in the cover sheet.
>Relationship To Research Themes of this Call
>Description of the relationship of this proposal
>to the research themes of this call.
>Capacity Building
>An explanation of how the project will build
>national/regional capacity to conduct global change research.
>International Collaboration
>An explanation of how the project will foster
>long-term international collaboration.
>Scientific Contribution of each Participating Investigator
>An explanation of the scientific contribution of
>each participating investigator.
>Links To Policy
>An explanation of how the project will
>contribute to national/regional policy making.
>Relationship to Global Change Research Programmes
>Details on any relationship to the scientific
>agendas, activities, and projects of ESSP, IGBP,
>IHDP, WCRP, or DIVERSITAS and any specific contacts with core projects.
>Previous or Current START Awards
>An explanation or description of any current or
>past award received from START.
>Related Research Work
>Details of existing research work on the proposed topic.
>Appendix 1
>Major Collaborators
>Details of the major collaborators (names, organizations, contact details).
>Appendix 2
>CV of Proponent
>Short CV for proponent and major collaborators (maximum two pages per CV).
>Appendix 3
>Full budget estimate for the project in US
>dollars, clearly indicating START/PACOM portion
>and in-kind and other contributions. (See Appendix 1 – Financial Guidelines)
>Appendix 4
>Details of funds from other sources
>Where funds are received (in-kind and other
>contributions) from other sources for your
>project, please provide details on the amount,
>source, and specific purpose/use of both the
>START/PACOM funds and the funds from other
>sources in the project. Written evidence of
>other funding sources may be required.
>Submission Procedures
>Full proposals must reach the International
>START Secretariat by the deadline. START
>strongly prefers electronic submission; however,
>proposals submitted by fax or mail will be
>accepted. In case of submission by mail, please
>send two copies only and refrain from sending bound copies.
>Upon successful peer-review and decision to make
>an award, the Secretariat and proponents
>including the institution of the Principal
>Investigator will sign a contract outlining
>payments, activities, time-tables, reporting
>requirements, etc. Contracts will be executed
>only with the principal investigator(s)’
>institution, which much be involved in managing
>and overseeing disbursements for the
>successfully funded project. Contracts will not be executed with individuals.
>V. Additional Funding
>Where additional funding from other sources is
>described in the proposal, the proponent may be
>required to submit evidence of said funding prior to the execution of contract.
>VI. Inquiries
>Inquires and correspondence should be directed
>to the International START Secretariat.
>International START Secretariat
>Attn: Charles S. Kauffman
>\2000 Florida Ave. NW, Suite 200
>Washington, DC 20009 USA
>Tel: 1-202-462-2213
>Fax: 1-202-457-5859
>Email: [log in to unmask]
>Web: www.start.org
>Email is the preferred method of communication.
>Appendix 1 – Financial Guidelines
>The following guidelines indicate what costs
>will and will not be covered by NSF/USCCSP
>funding and, if funded, to what degree.
>1. Basic Principles
>As a basic principle, START encourages project
>proponents to use existing resources, such as
>employed staff, office space, and equipment to
>the maximum extent possible, and to have joint financing arrangements.
>2. Remuneration
>START funding is not available for
>administrative staff payments or to supplement
>the pay of existing researchers. Project members
>may receive part-time staff fees for time spent
>on the project. The duration of part-time
>employment should be requested based on the
>need. The requested amount of remuneration
>should be reasonable in consideration of the
>standards of the country and subject to
>compliance with relevant laws of the country in
>which the part-time position is located. START
>funding is not available for any of the costs
>incurred by the principal investigator based
>within a developed country. Their contribution
>(time, materiel, etc.) should be presented as an
>in-kind contribution within the budget.
>3. Equipment
>START funding should not be seen as an
>opportunity to add to normal capital and
>equipment budgets of organizations. In some
>cases the most economical way to achieve a
>temporary increase in capacity needed for a
>project would be leasing or renting equipment
>for the duration of the project. This could be included in a proposal.
>Where lease or rental are not available, or
>where the cost of purchase is reasonable in
>comparison to rental, and it can be demonstrated
>that the purchases directly support the project
>objectives, START may consider providing funds
>for equipment purchase. In the case of projects
>where equipment is purchased, the ownership of
>the equipment at the end of the project period
>must be decided upon and clearly stated in the
>Contract. Ownership of equipment by project
>proponents will, in any case, be subject to
>successful completion of the project.
>4. Travel
>Where travel is necessary for the performance of
>the project, the most economical means of
>transport consistent with effective pursuit of
>the project should be used. When accurate fares
>are not known in advance, eighty percent of the
>normal economy fare may be used for the purpose
>of budget estimations. More detailed estimates
>should be used before the project implementation
>when the Contract is developed. Actual travel
>costs should be reported after the end of the
>funded activity, supported with evidence.
>Airfare for projects funded through US
>NSF/USCCSP must be on US Carriers or code-share
>flights. For more details and exceptions please
>contact your project representative at the International START Secretariat.
>To save costs, project members are always
>requested to purchase discount tickets. Upgrades
>to business class are to be done at one’s own
>expense. Transportation between the airport and
>hotel may be by the most economical means
>available, with an upper limit of $30 each way.
>START will cover the cost of any airport taxes
>and other taxes incurred, as well as necessary
>visas and inoculations. START will not cover
>telephone calls during travel. Excess baggage
>fees will be covered only for items necessary to
>the project. START will not cover expenses
>incurred from side trips or other items unnecessary to the project.
>5. Per Diems
>A per diem may be provided to project team
>members when performance of the project requires
>them to travel away from their home and spend a
>full night or more away. The per diem is
>provided to cover costs of accommodation and a
>daily allowance. Per diem rates will be
>consistent with the published US Department of
>State Per Diem rates for foreign travel on the dates of travel.
>6. Other Expenses
>Reasonable expenses (such as printing, copying,
>communication, and rental of meeting rooms) will
>be permitted by START if they are necessary to
>the implementation of the project and are documented.
>7. Administrative Overheads
>Administrative overheads are not permitted under
>the granting guidelines of the USCCSP. All costs
>incurred must be enumerated as direct costs.
>Overheads may be presented in the budget as
>collateral support from the host institution.
>8. Currencies
>In general, START will provide funding in US
>Dollars. Calculations of currency exchange will
>be based on the international transfer rate in
>effect on the date of the transaction. Once
>approved, budgets will not be adjusted to
>reflect changes in currency rates between time
>of proposal and time of contract execution.
>9. Documentation
>Details on required documentation on financial
>expenditures will be provided in the project
>contract. Generally, any expenditure will
>require receipt or invoice. Full financial
>statements will be required within 60 days of
>the end of the contract. Funds not expended over
>the course of the project will be returned to START.
>[1] Information about the global change research
>programmes and their science plans is available from their websites:
>Earth Systems Science Partnership (ESSP)
>ESSP is comprised of:
>World Climate Research Programme
>International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
>International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change

      Dr.Gamal Salah El Afandi
University of Al Azhar
Faculty of science (Males) at Cairo
  Department of Astronomy and Meteorology
  Nasr City,P.O.B.11884
  Tel. 002028701259 home     Tel. 002022618163 Work
Tel. 0020103770593 Cell      Fax 002022629356 Work

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