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DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications


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DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]>
Garry O'Leary <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Feb 2000 16:56:32 +0200
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DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]>
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1st Circular
24 February 2000

Call for papers

International workshop on the CANEGRO simulation model

When:  Friday 4th and Monday 7th August, 2000
Where:  Durban, South Africa

Expressions of interest and proposed papers are sought for the above workshop to be held in Durban, South Africa.  The workshop is to be hosted jointly by the South African Sugar Association and the University of Natal.

The South African sugar industry and the University of Natal have made significant investment into the development of the CANEGRO sugarcane simulation model over the past 10 years.  Important spin-off research had also seen the development of other related models.

The CANEGRO model is currently undergoing a revision and is in a documentation phase at the South African Sugar Association Experiment Station.   It has also been widely distributed with the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) modelling package.  The question arises; however, who is responsible for the subsequent maintenance of the model and future developments?

Purpose of workshop:
The purpose of the workshop is to develop Memoranda of Understanding that enable partner Institutes to contribute to the development of the CANEGRO sugarcane model for the benefit of ICASA partners.   It is proposed to form a steering committee to oversee the ongoing maintenance and development of CANEGRO and to hold bi-annual workshops for improvements in its development and application.

Workshop theme:
The future development and maintenance of CANEGRO.

Format of workshop:
It is proposed to spend the first day (4th) of the workshop giving brief presentations of the current status of sugarcane modelling with CANEGRO by various research groups after initial keynote addresses.  We also propose a break over the weekend with a day visit to a game reserve if there is sufficient interest.  The final day (7th) will be spent drawing up conclusions and plans for future work and collaboration.  A proceedings of the workshop including the conclusions will be published.

Format for papers:
The format of the proceedings will be camera-ready 2-page A4 size extended abstracts.  Type setting is to be single line spacing at 10 point Times-Roman font.  No restrictions on Tables or Figures except that the entire paper must be contained within the 2 page maximum.  Papers will be refereed but will not compromise future full publication in relevant Journals.

Deadline for papers:
1. Please submit intention of presenting a paper and its title no later than 1 April 2000.
2. Please submit completed 2-page papers by 1 June 2000.

Additional information:
1. Full registration details to follow.  Please check our web site regularly (www.sugar.org.za/sasex/about/agronomy/workshop.htm).
2. For more information please contact Dr Garry O'Leary ([log in to unmask]) or Dr Greg Kiker ([log in to unmask]).
3. This workshop is being run back-to-back with the South African Sugarcane Technologist's Association annual meeting (www.sasta.co.za).
4. If there is sufficient interest we may also hold a one-day DSSAT workshop for beginners during the SASTA congress.  Those interested should contact Dr Greg Kiker ([log in to unmask]).

Garry O'Leary
Greg Kiker

Dr Garry O'Leary
South African Sugar Association Experiment Station
Private Bag X02
Mount Edgecombe, 4300 Kwa Zulu-Natal
South Africa

Email: [log in to unmask]
Telephone: +27 31 5393205
Fax: +27 31 5395406
Internet: http://www.sugar.org.za/sasex/about/oleary.htm