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Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
Dave Green <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 00:02:02 -0500
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Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
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Over the past few weeks, many opinions concerning the participation of Ed
Paul in the 1998 COA Bourse have been expressed on Conch-L, mostly from
dealers.  As President of COA, I sincerely appreciate all of these opinions
as they reflect what members in COA are thinking about.  As I have said on
many occasions in the American Conchologist and in the COA general
sessions, the over-all good of the organization always takes precedence
over any personal desires, goals or objects.
During the past two weeks, I have personally talked to many dealers,
several COA officers, and other COA members concerning this issue.  It is a
very emotional issue with the dealers, as this effects their profits at
this prestigious event.  For that reason, I have intentionally taken my
time in delivering a statement as to my decision on this issue.  I needed
the time to consult with as many individuals as possible to evaluate the
impact of my decision on COA.  I simply wasn't going to make a quick,
reactionary decision.
As COA President, I am charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the
COA Constitution and By-Laws are not violated.  Several years ago, the COA
Board developed a set of "Guidelines On Conducting A COA Convention".  They
are exactly that, "Guidelines," nothing more.  They are not a part of the
Constitution or By-Laws.  These "Guidelines" have never been presented to
the general membership for vote.  Although the "Guidelines" are intended to
help a COA Convention Chairman make decisions, they also give the Chairman
the right to make changes or to make interpretations which he/she feel
appropriate and in the best interest of COA.
I am sure almost everyone who is a shell collector or a conchologist knew
Leonard Hill.  His untimely passing took the shell world by complete
surprise.  We were all shocked to hear the news of his death.  Len devoted
his life to the love of shells, both as a dealer, a collector, and an
author.  Len always supported COA in any way he could.  Under the COA
Constitution and By-Laws, a membership is good for the calendar year.
There is no declaration in these official documents that one's membership
terminates upon death.  As such, Leonard C. Hill is a COA member until
December 31, 1998, regardless if he is deceased.  Officially, Len is a
member in good standing.
Ed Paul was a close friend of Len over the years, and is now the executor
of Len's estate.  Ed Paul has asked permission to participate in the 1998
COA bourse under Len's business name, Global Shells.  He is not utilizing
his name.  His participation is under "Global Shells".  As I have been told
on several occasions, Ed is going to sell Len's collection and his business
stock at this year's convention to clear certain debts of the estate.  Len
had willed certain aspects of his collection to public institutions but
these donations can't be given until the debts have been cleared.
Our 1998 COA Convention Chairman, Linda Koestel, has made a decision to
allow Ed Paul's participation in the bourse.  Under the current
"Guidelines", Linda has the option and the power to do so.  I have talked
to Linda on many occasions concerning this decision.  I am totally
convinced that Linda made her decision in the best interest of the
organization and broke no official COA rules or regulations.  For this
reason, I fully support Linda.  As President, I am allowing Ed Paul to
participate in this year's bourse.  I can find no COA rules or regulations
that have been broken and, consequently, find absolutely no reason to
over-ride her decision.
I do not recognize Ed Paul as a COA member, as he clearly is not a COA
member.  However, I am admitting Ed into the bourse as a representative of
Len Hill, a long-time supporter of this organization.  Several COA members
have expressed an interest in purchasing items from Len's collection.  As
for our dealers, I certainly understand the position they have taken.  This
is a major profit event for them and a means of supporting their business.
I am certain my decision will not be viewed as favorable with everyone who
reads this statement.  It has been the most difficult decision I have had
to make in my two years as President.  Personally, I see merit on both
sides of this issue.  I have taken my time to make this decision and I am
totally committed to that decision.  The final decision stops at the
President's door, and it has been made.  I can not satisfy everyone all the
time.  I have always attempted to make decisions in the best interest of
the organization, and I shall continue to take that approach until I
relinquish the office of President.  Regardless of whether you agree or
disagree with my decision, I hope you will appreciate the effort that has
been given to render this decision.
At the COA Board meeting on Sunday, July 19, I will ask the Board if they
wish to establish a committee to evaluate the "Guidelines".  I have
absolutely no personal goals or "hidden agendas" with this issue of Ed
Paul's participation in the bourse.  My decision is based totally on COA
rules and regulations, nothing else.
Lucille and I leave for Orlando on Wednesday morning.  I will be happy to
discuss my decision with anyone at the convention.  Due to the short time
of our departure, I can't answer all the e-mails I may receive, but I will
certainly read as many as I can.  I WILL NOT answer questions or address
this issue at the COA Annual Meeting.  I have asked Linda Koestel to
schedule a meeting where those interested will have an opportunity to
express their opinions.  I will also invite President-elect Linda Brunner
to attend.  The meeting time and location will be announced at the opening
ceremonies.  I am certainly open to suggestions and would like to hear your
thoughts and concerns.  However, my decision is final and will not be
I look forward to seeing everyone in Orlando.  For those who will not be in
attendance, we shall miss you.  I am sure Linda and all the members of the
Central Florida Shell Club will present an outstanding convention.  I want
to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the support everyone
has shown me over the past two years.  No one loves COA more than I do.
This has been a true "Labor of Love" that has been so meaningful to me.
See you in Orlando.
Dave Green
COA President