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ferreter <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 09:55:32 -0400
text/plain (101 lines)
No loss there Frank , the weasel does get it's nose in other's business, but then , that is what ferrets do .
I find your subject right on the money. With dwindling sources of material, bans on where we can collect, a world that finds
collecting of any sort to be selfish, and politically incorrect to say the least . But shell collecting does add to the
tourist trade for many countries , many places are great collecting spots because for some reason or another its not
favorable for regular tourists, I.E. lot's of bugs , little to no emmenities, hostile inhabitants, or just too far off the
beaten track.
I absolutely agree with Frank that the utmost attention needs to be paid to the membership problem , if we build our armies
of collectors up in numbers too great to be ignored we would have a much louder voice and when a group cries out for another
shelling ban the army can move in  and persude those powers to be to consider the loss in tourism as a dirrect result of
inacting a shell ban. I can't see any Chamber of commerce inacting a law that would effect their cities income.

So here's the main idea for a possitive disscussion, ways to get people to become interested in shell collecting, malacology
and related activities. Almost everyone at one point in thier lives have wondered down a beach and found a colorful,
beautifly structured sea shell . This is the point we might want to angle after , the memory of finding that shell , the idea
that there are many more out there and sharing the experience with others who have seen the magic in sea shells .

So lets hear some contructive ideas on how we can not only help our own clubs but all the clubs , it's time to stop looking
at our clubs as a singular entity and more like the boy scouts where there are many troups but all fall under the flag and
guidlines of the scouts . well there's a start. anyone else want to pick up the ball and have a go at it . Mark de ferret

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2000 9:16 AM

|Dear Douw,
|This is a topic that I think is of concern to many people for a variety of
|As pointed out not too long ago, there are still plenty of shell collectors,
|and will continue to be, as long as man walks beach and can pick up some
|dead, but in their eyes, beautiful part of nature.
|I believe the problem is partially ours. We forget how hard it is to learn
|all the Latin names and then to find out that shells can cost in the
|thousands. When I went to buy my first shell books almost 25 years ago, I
|remember thinking I had never spent that much on a book before. At one time I
|had more cash invested in my library than I did my collection.
|Hang around CONCH-L awhile and you can feel really inadequate. All they want
|is a fun hobby and we can sometimes make it seem to technical and expensive.
|If not careful we can be viewed as an elitist group of well-to-do, mostly
|retired people. So new folks ask, where do I fit in? Isn't that the question
|we all ask of any group?
|I think we have to become more user friendly. I have had the opportunity to
|be on the executive committee for several groups that I have been a member
|of, and the question of membership usually comes up, sooner or later. The
|process that I have always found works best, is "Ask them." Find out what
|people want and give it to them. Yes, it may mean a step back for some of the
|more advanced or senior members, but for the future of this hobby I believe
|we must do what any business has to do to be successful in today's global
|economy. Find out what the people want, and then deliver the goods (so to
|Many great folks, most no longer with us, took the time to help many of us
|get where we are with this great hobby. Each of us has to take personal
|responsibility for being a beacon to others of this great hobby. Lynn can't
|do it all on her own. Look at us, it's all about "my next shelling trip," "my
|next shell," "my next show," my, my, my. We need more talk about what we can
|do to get the word out. I know behind the doors of many homes around the
|world are great folks who just returned from a vacation, and looking at their
|newly acquired beauties are saying, "Aren't these beautiful. Wonder where I
|can find out more?" They check out the local library, and if like most town
|libraries, woefully underfunded, find little or nothing, and eventually lose
|interest. And we wonder what's happening to the membership. From where I'm
|siting it looks like that is the position most of us have decided to take.
|As a dealer I have an advantage that most of you don't. People seek me out to
|see what I have for sale. In the last year, as a fairly new dealer, in
|Massachusetts, I have had six people approach me about shells that didn't
|even know COA existed. Two of them went to the convention last year. I
|encouraged five of them to join the local club and three to join COA. Will
|get all of them before this year is out. Not looking for kudos, but this took
|a little time and effort on my part, but it was fun, because I love shells, I
|like people and people who like shells are the absolute best, even ferrets.
|Had to get that in Mark just so I didn't lose you.
|Best wishes to all,
|Frank (yes it is snowing today) in Massachusetts
|Frank Walker
|Gems From The Sea
|72 Peltier Street, Marlborough, MA 01752 USA
|"Quality Specimen Shells For Every Collector"
|(508) 481-7491; Fax: (508) 624-9778; out-of- state 1-800-497-3601
|E-mail: [log in to unmask] - Web Site:
|Send for FREE list - ($1 overseas, credited on 1st order)
|We accept ALL major credit cards
|New Shells Arrive Every Week!
|<A HREF=""> Welcome to Shell Gems: buy and sell sea
|shells from around the world</A>