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Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Oct 2000 14:05:43 +0200
text/plain (217 lines)
"Systematics, Phylogenesis and Biology of Polyplacophora"

The Istituzione Culturale Federico II of  Menfi (AG) and the Italian
Societą Italiana di Malacologia, with the support of the Comune di Menfi,
the Provincia Regionale of Agrigento, the Cantine Settesoli of Menfi, the
Ravidą  Azienda Agricola s.r.l. of  Menfi, the Co.M.Mer. s.a.s. of  Menfi,
the Lypsa Abitare of Menfi, the Associazione Aziende Agricole La Marca of
Menfi, the Plus P.S.C. a.r.l. of Menfi  , organize the 4th International
Workshop of Malacology with subject: "Systematics, Phylogeny and Biology of
1. Douglas J. Eernisse-Department of Biological Science California State
Un. -Fullerton - California - USA
2. Karen L. Gowlett-Holmes-South Australian Museum - Adelaide - South AUSTRALIA
3. Hiroshi Saito-Department of Zoology - National Science Museum- Tokio - JAPAN
4. Boris Sirenko-Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
-St.Petersburg - RUSSIA
5. Hermann Strack-National Natuurhistorisch Museum - - Leiden NETHERLANDS
* Vanna Rotolo -Cultural Consultant h.c.- Division  of  Malacology Federico
II Cultural Institution - Menfi (AG) ITALIA
The workshop will be divided in different sessions and the works will be
presented as oral communications or posters.
The workshop will be in Italian and English. Abstracts and manuscripts will
be only in English.
Each author can present no more than three works as posters or oral
communications, both as first author or co-author.
Each abstract should be in English, no longer than  1 page, and should be
sent to the Scientific Committee  only via:
A -e-mail as an attached file, Word 5.0 or newer (Windows), following these
(1) first line, centred: title in capital letters and Latin names in italics;
(2) second line: blank;
(3) third line, centred: author's name and surname;
(4) fourth line, centred: only the first author's address;
(5) fifth line: blank;
(6) sixth line: beginning of the abstracts text.
The text should not be formatted (no tabulations, bold or underlined words,
etc.). Only the Italics is requested for names of genus and species. No
bibliographical reference should appear in the text.
The abstract should be written in "Times New Roman", normal style, "12
pitches". The left, right and bottom margins should be less than 3 cm, and
the top equal to 4,5 cm. Abstracts which do not follow this structure will
be sent back for modifications.
B - fax, follow the above  instructions.
Scientific Committee:
Bruno Dell'Angelo:  e-mail: [log in to unmask] - Fax: +39.055.8950270
Marco Oliverio: e-mail: [log in to unmask]    - Fax: +39.06.4958259
Renato Chemello: e-mail: [log in to unmask]  -Fax: +39.091.6172009
When registering, the abstract issue of  the 4th International  Workshop of
Malacology  "Systematics, Phylogeny and Biology of Polyplacophora " will
be delivered.
5. PROCEEDINGS - The Proceedings of the workshop will be published on a
special issue of the Bollettino Malacologico  published by the Socierą
Italiana di Malacologia.
6. PARALLEL AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - Several parallel activities will be
* Informal meetings with experts, slide and topical films projections.
* The social activities include a day trip to the archaeological site of
the "Valle dei Templi"  in Agrigento, declared "heritage of the humanity"
by UNESCO, guided by Historian Gioacchino Mistretta (born in Menfi), and
the co-participation of the Scuba Diving Club "La Tartaruga" (Menfi).
In the Valle dei Templi all participants will meet the Superintendent of
Cultural and Environmental Assets of Agrigento, Mrs Graziella Fiorentini,
and the Director of the Regional Archaeological Museum, Mr Giuseppe
Castellana. A visit to the museum is also included.
The one day trip to the "Valle dei Templi" in Agrigento costs £ 45.000
(23,24 Euro) per person, including a packet lunch. * On Friday, June 14
2001 a social dinner will  take place in a traditional restaurant, and
Sicilian food will be served. The social dinner costs £ 40.000 (20,66 Euro)
per person.
* On Saturday June 15, 2001, the Federico II Cultural Institution will
offer a buffet dinner to all participants.
* 10 free stays (board and lodging only) are available for undergraduate
and   postgraduate students who will apply before January, 15 2001, when
sending their abstracts. The selection of winners will be made by the
Scientific Committee.
* For the participants are also available:
A - N. 1 Grant   in memory of Claudio Ebreo,  £. 1.000.000= (516,45 Euro)
offered by  Mrs ANNA EBREO.
B - N. 4 Grants, £. 1.000.000 each = (516,45 Euro) offered by the Regional
Province of Agrigento.

The screening will be made by the following committee:
1-Dr. Bruno Dell'Angelo (Scientific Committee)
2-Dr. Marco Oliverio  (Scientific Committee)
3-Dr. Renato Chemello (Scientific Committee)
4-Mrs Vanna Rotolo (Cultural Consultant)
5-Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli (S.I.M. President)
6-Prof. Gaetano Cacioppo (Councillor of the Regional Province of Agrigento)
7-Prof. Carlo Argiroffi (President of Federico II Cultural Institution of Menfi)
For the assignation of the grants the following parameters will be considered:
* Scientific relevance of the  communication presented in the conference;
* CV, in short (student status; unpaid university researchers;etc...) to be
presented along with the registration request.
* Economical situation of  the   participant's country.
The grants will be assigned at the end of the conference.
1. Registration and presentation of qualification documents:January 15, 2001
2. Presentation of abstracts: March 15, 2001
3. Acceptance of abstracts:April 15, 2001
4. Hotel reservations :April 15, 2001
5. Presentation of manuscripts:June 13, 2001
Deadlines should be strictly respected, especially for the presentation and
the delivery of manuscripts.
Participants will be lodged in private residences situated along the beach
of Porto Palo (Menfi). The cost will be  £. 50.000= (25,82 Euro) per person
per day. Reservations should be faxed directly to "Domus Aurea" s.a.s. of
Gabriella Gagliano: +39.0925.74432
The deadline should be strictly respected. After April 15, 2001 the
reservation could not be guaranteed.
Breakfast will be available at 8.30 am in an outdoor bar near the Torre
Federiciana, where the workshop will take place. The cost depends on what
As far as meals are concerned, the Organizational Committee has stipulated
an agreement with a very good local restaurant: lunch costs £.30.000 =(
15,49 Euro ) per person.
On Friday June 14 and Saturday 15, a catering service will be available
during the lunch break (1.00 pm): £. 15.000 (7,75 Euro) each.
Before January 15, 2001                        After January 15, 2001
Registration Fee
£.  80.000 ( 41,32 Euro )                      £. 110.000 ( 56,81 Euro )
S.I.M. Members
£.  70.000 ( 36,16 Euro )                      £.  100.000 ( 51,65 Euro )
Undergraduate & Postgraduate Students
£.  60.000 ( 30,99 Euro )                      £.  90.000 ( 46,48 Euro )
When registering, undergraduate and postgraduate students should present a
document certifying his/her status to the Organizational Committee.
Registration fees should be sent before January 15, 2001 in Italian Lira or
Euro, according to the following payment procedures:
* Bank or banker's draft (non negotiable cheque) to:
    Rotolo Vincenza - Via Selinunte, N° 81   -  I  -  92013  -  Menfi (AG)
* Telegraphic postal or International postal money order order to:
     Rotolo Vincenza - Via Selinunte, N° 81   -  I  -  92013  -  Menfi (AG)
* Credit Card   (please send digits and expiry date)
Please, describe what paid, including social dinner and the one day trip to
the archaeological site of the "Valle dei Templi" of Agrigento.
Stands are available for exhibitors and/or business operators (Each stand
costs £.150.000= (77,47 Euro). Please, include the display stand
reservation along with the registration form, and send the money according
to the above mentioned procedures, adding it to the registration fee.
Free  stands are available for Malacology Societies and Sponsors.
A - The Organizational Committee will provide a bus for participants who
arrive and leave by plane from Palermo-Punta Raisi airport.
Therefore, those who will register before the deadline, are requested to
arrive in Palermo airport before 3.30 pm, June 13, 2001. A person on charge
will welcome you at the airport.
It is essential to know in time the exact number of  person who need the
transfer. Each participant should communicate the time of arrival (in
Palermo) and departure  (from Palermo) before May 1st  to this e-mail
address (Organizational Committee):
 Organizational Committee
Vanna Rotolo:  e-mail : [log in to unmask]
B - For those who want to reach Menfi by bus, we inform that only two buses
leave from Palermo:  from the Bus Station (Autolinee Gallo Company) in Via
Paolo Balsamo N° 20, (next to the Central Station):
1. Leaving from Palermo at 2.30  p.m.       -Arrival in Menfi at  4.00 p.m.
2. Leaving from Palermo at 6.00  p.m.       -Arrival in Menfi at  7.30 p.m.
The bus stops in Menfi in Viale Michelangelo, from where you can walk up to
the Istituzione Culturale Federico II, situated in Via C. Ognibene/ Piazza
Vittorio Emanuele. (about Km.0.500).
C - For those who want to reach Menfi by car, we suggest to consult the map
at the bottom of the page.
For further information, please contact the Scientific Committee
(abstracts, manuscripts, etc.) or the Organizational Committee (terms,
fees, etc.).
13. INTERNET - The Web page of the workshop will be available on the site
of the Organizational Committee (Vanna Rotolo):     both
in English and Italian and it will be linked to the site of the Italian
Society of Malacology: (
June 13, 2001-Thursday
- 4.30 pm-Registration -Accommodation
- 8.00 pm-Welcome -Presentation of International Guests and activities -Cocktail
- 9.00 pm-Dinner
June 14, 2001- Friday
- 9:30 am-Beginning of the workshop - Talks
- 2.30 pm-Talks
- 9.00 pm-Social dinner
 June 15, 2001-Saturday- 9:30  am-Talks
- 2.30 pm-Talks - Posters
- 8.00 pm -Grants and certificates;
- 9.00 pm- Buffet dinner offered by the Istituzione Culturale Federico II
 June 16, 2001-Sunday
-Morning and afternoon-Meeting with the Superintendent of the Cultural and
Environmental Assets of Agrigento, Dr.ssa Graziella Fiorentini, in the
Temple Valley and visit to archaeological monuments;
Meeting with the Director of the Regional Archaeological Museum of
Agrigento, Dr. Giuseppe Castellana, and visit to the Museum.
- 1:00  pm-Packet lunch
- 9:00  pm-Dinner
June 17, 2001-Monday- 9:00 am-Departure.
Tel.: +39.0925.78175 - FAX: +39.0925.74304
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

With regards

Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, president
Societą Italiana di Malacologia