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Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
Frank Petway <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 13:28:30 -0500
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Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
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WELL SAID !!! And with that, nothing more needs to be said !!
Frank & Tina
Dave Green wrote:
> Over the past few weeks, many opinions concerning the participation of Ed
> Paul in the 1998 COA Bourse have been expressed on Conch-L, mostly from
> dealers.  As President of COA, I sincerely appreciate all of these opinions
> as they reflect what members in COA are thinking about.  As I have said on
> many occasions in the American Conchologist and in the COA general
> sessions, the over-all good of the organization always takes precedence
> over any personal desires, goals or objects.
> During the past two weeks, I have personally talked to many dealers,
> several COA officers, and other COA members concerning this issue.  It is a
> very emotional issue with the dealers, as this effects their profits at
> this prestigious event.  For that reason, I have intentionally taken my
> time in delivering a statement as to my decision on this issue.  I needed
> the time to consult with as many individuals as possible to evaluate the
> impact of my decision on COA.  I simply wasn't going to make a quick,
> reactionary decision.
> As COA President, I am charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the
> COA Constitution and By-Laws are not violated.  Several years ago, the COA
> Board developed a set of "Guidelines On Conducting A COA Convention".  They
> are exactly that, "Guidelines," nothing more.  They are not a part of the
> Constitution or By-Laws.  These "Guidelines" have never been presented to
> the general membership for vote.  Although the "Guidelines" are intended to
> help a COA Convention Chairman make decisions, they also give the Chairman
> the right to make changes or to make interpretations which he/she feel
> appropriate and in the best interest of COA.
> I am sure almost everyone who is a shell collector or a conchologist knew
> Leonard Hill.  His untimely passing took the shell world by complete
> surprise.  We were all shocked to hear the news of his death.  Len devoted
> his life to the love of shells, both as a dealer, a collector, and an
> author.  Len always supported COA in any way he could.  Under the COA
> Constitution and By-Laws, a membership is good for the calendar year.
> There is no declaration in these official documents that one's membership
> terminates upon death.  As such, Leonard C. Hill is a COA member until
> December 31, 1998, regardless if he is deceased.  Officially, Len is a
> member in good standing.
> Ed Paul was a close friend of Len over the years, and is now the executor
> of Len's estate.  Ed Paul has asked permission to participate in the 1998
> COA bourse under Len's business name, Global Shells.  He is not utilizing
> his name.  His participation is under "Global Shells".  As I have been told
> on several occasions, Ed is going to sell Len's collection and his business
> stock at this year's convention to clear certain debts of the estate.  Len
> had willed certain aspects of his collection to public institutions but
> these donations can't be given until the debts have been cleared.
> Our 1998 COA Convention Chairman, Linda Koestel, has made a decision to
> allow Ed Paul's participation in the bourse.  Under the current
> "Guidelines", Linda has the option and the power to do so.  I have talked
> to Linda on many occasions concerning this decision.  I am totally
> convinced that Linda made her decision in the best interest of the
> organization and broke no official COA rules or regulations.  For this
> reason, I fully support Linda.  As President, I am allowing Ed Paul to
> participate in this year's bourse.  I can find no COA rules or regulations
> that have been broken and, consequently, find absolutely no reason to
> over-ride her decision.
> I do not recognize Ed Paul as a COA member, as he clearly is not a COA
> member.  However, I am admitting Ed into the bourse as a representative of
> Len Hill, a long-time supporter of this organization.  Several COA members
> have expressed an interest in purchasing items from Len's collection.  As
> for our dealers, I certainly understand the position they have taken.  This
> is a major profit event for them and a means of supporting their business.
> I am certain my decision will not be viewed as favorable with everyone who
> reads this statement.  It has been the most difficult decision I have had
> to make in my two years as President.  Personally, I see merit on both
> sides of this issue.  I have taken my time to make this decision and I am
> totally committed to that decision.  The final decision stops at the
> President's door, and it has been made.  I can not satisfy everyone all the
> time.  I have always attempted to make decisions in the best interest of
> the organization, and I shall continue to take that approach until I
> relinquish the office of President.  Regardless of whether you agree or
> disagree with my decision, I hope you will appreciate the effort that has
> been given to render this decision.
> At the COA Board meeting on Sunday, July 19, I will ask the Board if they
> wish to establish a committee to evaluate the "Guidelines".  I have
> absolutely no personal goals or "hidden agendas" with this issue of Ed
> Paul's participation in the bourse.  My decision is based totally on COA
> rules and regulations, nothing else.
> Lucille and I leave for Orlando on Wednesday morning.  I will be happy to
> discuss my decision with anyone at the convention.  Due to the short time
> of our departure, I can't answer all the e-mails I may receive, but I will
> certainly read as many as I can.  I WILL NOT answer questions or address
> this issue at the COA Annual Meeting.  I have asked Linda Koestel to
> schedule a meeting where those interested will have an opportunity to
> express their opinions.  I will also invite President-elect Linda Brunner
> to attend.  The meeting time and location will be announced at the opening
> ceremonies.  I am certainly open to suggestions and would like to hear your
> thoughts and concerns.  However, my decision is final and will not be
> reversed.
> I look forward to seeing everyone in Orlando.  For those who will not be in
> attendance, we shall miss you.  I am sure Linda and all the members of the
> Central Florida Shell Club will present an outstanding convention.  I want
> to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the support everyone
> has shown me over the past two years.  No one loves COA more than I do.
> This has been a true "Labor of Love" that has been so meaningful to me.
> See you in Orlando.
> Dave Green
> COA President