----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Below you will find a series of proposals for changes in
cataloging cartographic materials at the Library of Congress
1. two proposed rule interpretations;
2. a change in treatment of map series/sets;
3. a proposal for necessary changes in subject headings and
subdivisions to accommodate remote-sensing imagery.
These proposals were forwarded to SLA and will be taken to ALA
for discussion within the appropriate forums in those two
organizations. In addition they are being posted to MAPS-L in
order to allow for the largest constituency possible to have a
chance to comment on the proposals.
Please respond by JULY 31st via Internet either within MAPS-L or
directly to me.
Elizabeth Mangan, Acting Head, Cataloging Unit
Geography and Map Division
email: [log in to unmask]
1.4C7 Optionally, give the full address of the publisher,
distributor, etc. ...
Do not apply this option for items cataloged under Chapter
IMPACT: LC map records will no longer include field 265
3.3D Option addition. Statement of coordinates and equinox
Do not apply this option that is the whole of 3.3D.
IMPACT: LC records will no longer include coordinates or
an equinox statement in the 255 and 034 fields
In cases where a category of materials is being handled as single
maps, e.g., "Important farmlands," and where some individual
titles are published on multiple sheets, catalog the multi-sheet
item as a single map rather than as a map series/set, provided
that the item is composed of ten (10) sheets or less.
In general, if an item is complete in ten (10) sheets or less and
additional sheets are not anticipated, the item will be cataloged
as a single map. This is especially true if the majority of the
collection of similar type material, e.g., county maps, have been
cataloged as single maps and the reference staff would expect to
find the item in the single map collection.
001 sh85-101201
150 Photographs from space
260 SEARCH UNDER: subdivision Photographs from space
under topical headings and under names of countries,
cities, etc. for collections of photographs taken
from outer space, e.g. Clouds--Photographs from
space; Moon--Photographs from space
150 Remote-sensing images
260 SEARCH UNDER: subdivision Remote-sensing images
under names of countries, cities, etc. for images
obtained through remote-sensing processes
450 Multi-spectral images used for!
450 Satellite images used for!
450 Side-looking airborne radar image used for!
550 Remote sensing broader term!
001 sh87-2376
150 Photo maps
260 SEARCH UNDER: subdivision Photo maps under names of
countries, cities, etc. for aerial photographs upon
which grids and other data pertinent to maps have
been added
150 Image maps
260 SEARCH UNDER: subdivision Image maps under names of
countries, cities, etc. for remote-sensing images
upon which grids and other data pertinent to maps
have been added
001 sh85-112798
150 Remote sensing MAY SUBD GEOG!
360 SEARCH ALSO UNDER: subdivision Remote sensing under
topical headings
450 Remote sensing system used for!
450 Remote terrain sensing used for!
450 Sensing, Remote used for!
450 Terrain sensing, Remote used for!
550 Aerial photogrammetry broader term!
550 Aerospace telemetry broader term!
550 Detectors broader term!
550 Space optics broader term
680 Here are entered works on the theory or methodology
of remote sensing and the handling, maintenance, and
indexing of remote-sensing images in unbound
001 Aerial photography NOT SUBD GEOG!
680 Here are entered works on the taking of aerial
photographs. Works on the interpretation of aerial
photographs are entered under Photographic
interpretation. Works on the handling, maintenance,
and indexing of aerial photographs in unbound
collections are entered under Aerial photographs.
450 Ballon photography used for!
450 Photography, Aerial used for!
550 Photography broader term!
681 Notes under Aerial photographs; Photographic
001 sh85-1253
150 Aerial photographs NOT SUBD GEOG!
680 Here are entered works on the handling, maintenance,
and indexing of aerial photographs in unbound
collections. Works on the taking of aerial
photographs are entered under Aerial photography.
Works on the interpretation of aerial photographs
are entered under Photographic interpretation.
360 SEARCH ALSO UNDER: subdivision Aerial photographs
under name of counties, cities, etc. and under
topical headings
450 Air photos used for!
450 Airphotos used for!
550 Photographs broader term!
681 Notes under Aerial photography; Photographic
statement to the 680 field that this heading and subdivision
are NOT to be used for cartographic materials