----------------------------Original message----------------------------
What would be the minimum/optimum requirements for an IBM-based
stand-alone public workstation providing access to commercial CD-ROM
atlases. Having read reviews of several of these products, I have come up
with the following tentative list of minimum requirements, but none of
the reviews addressed what type printer would represent a minimum
386 cpu
40MB hard drive/2MB RAM
MS-DOS 3.0
Windows 3.0 (+ Multimedia Extensions - device support for CD-ROM
drive) or 3.1 & mouse
Large screen, high resolution color monitor capable of supporting
CD-ROM 6-pack
Laser printer?
Has anyone tried and had particular problems running CD-ROM atlases
on a network?
Thank you.
Bruce Harley |
Librarian, Government Publications | San Diego State University
& Maps | Library
voice: (619) 594-5014 | Government Publications
fax: (619) 594-2265 | & Maps
email: [log in to unmask] | San Diego, CA 92182-0511