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Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Johnnie Sutherland <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 11:49:17 -0400
Alberta Auringer Wood <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (361 lines)
Apologies for the duplication!

The "Proceedings" (about 770 pages) of the AGILE Conference which was held
in Brno on April 19-21, 2001 are available from Milan Konecny, Laboratory
on Geoinformatics and Cartography, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, 611 37
BRNO, Czech Republic or by email at <[log in to unmask]> for 50 EUR
and equivalents in dollars, etc.  Milan is an ICA Vice President and was
one of the editors of the proceedings.  The table of contents is attached.

Alberta Auringer Wood, Maps, Data and Media Librarian & ICA Vice President
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland,
CANADA  A1B 3Y1   phone: 709-737-8892; fax: 709-737-2153; net:
[log in to unmask]       
Make molehills out of mountains.
Sachez réduire la taille de vos problèmes à leur juste mesure.

4th AGILE conference on geographic science
GI in EUROPE: Integrative - Interoperable - Interactive
Proceedings table of content

Thursday, April 19, 2001

9.30-10.30 Opening session (room 1)
Word of welcome
Rhind D, United Kingdom:
Global and national Geographic Information policies, practice and education in a g-business world       15

11.00-12.30 Plenary session 1, GI policies (room 1)
Craglia M, Annoni A (United Kingdom/Italy):
Towards the development of a Geographic Information Policy for the European Commission  28

Craglia M, Dallemand J-F, Masser I (United Kingdom/Italy/The Netherlands):
The role of geographic information in facilitating accession into the European Union    38

Konecny M, Stanek K (Czech Republic):
SDI in Czech Republic: Portal age       51

Valpreda E, Cremona G, Venditti A, Milillo A (Italy):
A Shared GIS for the Hydrological Risk Management at National Level     57

13.30-14.30 Working group meeting, Environmental modelling (room 1)

13.30-14.30 Working group meeting, Education (room 2)
Toppen F (The Netherlands):
Towards an AGILE Working Group on GI Education  67

Johnson A (USA):
Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching GIS: "Hook Them or Sink Them"        68

Johnson A (USA):
GIS and Distant Education - Using the Virtual Campus to Expand University GIS Programs  72

Salvemini M, Toppen F (Italy/The Netherlands):
Certification of the GI professional, an issue (again) or not (yet)?    73

14.30-16.00 Plenary session 2, Environmental modelling (room 1)
Bogner D, Dabernig M, Koren G (Austria):
Assessment of Agricultural Landuse in Urban Regions as a Decision Support System Using Web-GIS  74

Suarez J, Evans S, Randle T, Henshall P, Houston T, Gardiner B, Dunham R (United Kingdom)
The development of a generic framework for model integration in forest management. The UK Forestry Commission CoreModel programme       79

Clare J, Ray D (United Kongdom):
A Spatial Model of Ecological Site Cla ssification for forest management in Britain     93

Haase m, Beuerle R, Barnikel G, Moser M, Stegmaier A (Germany):
Evaluation of the Ecomorphological Quality of Running Waters using a GIS        112

Laube P (Switzerland):
A Classification of Analysis Methods for Dynamic Point Objects in Environmental GIS     121

16.30-18.00 Parallel session 1, Socio-economic modelling (room1)
Benenson I, Omer I, Hatna E (Israel):
Agents in GIS environment - Modeling Urban Population Distribution      135

Bittner S (Austria):
An agent-based architecture for the simulation of social reality in a cadastre  145

Staunstrup J K (Denmark):
Generalization of Cadastral CHanges     156

Morojele N, Krygsman S, de Jong T (South Africa/The Netherlands):
An evaluation of retail potential using GIS-based Decision Support functionality; a case study of Cape Town, South Africa.       165

de Jong T, Maritz J, van Eck J R (The Netherlands/South Africa):
Using optimization techniques for comparison of the accessibility criteria of facility sitting scenarios; a case study of sitting police stations in South Africa's Bushbuckridge area.         177

16.30-18.00 Parallel session 2, Location based and mobile services (room 2)
Corona B, Winter S (Austria):
Navigation information for pedestrians from city maps   189

Reinhardt W, Joos G (Germany):
Concept of a GIS and location based services for mountaineers   198

Timpf S (Switzerland):
The Information Broker: Problem-solving knowledge for location-based services   203

Maula H (Finland):
Mobile GIS and Multimedia as Fieldwork Support in Helsinki Water        205

Lehto L, Kahkonen J (Finland):
Multi-purpose Publishing of Geodata in the Web  209

Friday, April 20, 2001

09.00-10.30 Parallel session 3, Spatial data infrastructure (room 1)
Reicken J (Germany):
The improvement of the access to public geospatial data of cadastral and surveying and mapping as a part of the development of a NSDI in Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany  215

Karnavou E, Gritzas G (Greece):
Assessing achievements and prospects of GI and GIS in Greece: Towards a generic conceptual framework    222

Bernabe M A, Gould M, Muro-Medrano P R, Nogueras J, Zarazaga F J (Spain):
Effective steps toward the Spain National Geographic Information Infrastructure.        236

Ionita A (Romania):
The premises for the building of Geographical Information Infrastructure in Romanian's Society of the 21st Century      244

Gouveia C, Henriques P, Nicolau R, Rocha J, Santos M (Portugal):
Moving from CEN TC 287 to ISO/TC 211 - The approach of the Portuguese National Geographic Information Infrastructure    260

Bielecka E (Poland):
Potential Users of the Polish Information System and Their Needs in the Field of Spatial Information    270

09.00-10.30 Parallel session 4, Young researcher's forum (room 2)
Kolodziej K (USA):
Using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to Model Distributed GIS Components for Improving Interoperability    274

Bucher B (France):
A Model to Store and Reuse Geographic Application Patterns      289

Campagna M, De Montis A (Italy):
Geographic Spaces / Digital Places: Towards a Communicative Approach for Urban and Regional Planning    296

Ostlaender N (Germany):
Evaluating the suitability of digital datasets for cause studies on nutrient contents of a specific region - Focused on satellite imagery (IRS -1D) and ATKIS data      314

Fahller M (Sweden):
Geostatistics for marine geological mapping     318

Schroeder L (Denmark):
Data Quality Declarations concerning Building Objects in Maps and Registers     320

Tikunov A V (Russia):
Cartographic Evaluation of Innovation Potential         322

Trnka J (Sweden):
HAZMAT Transportation Routing, Monitoring and Incident Solving in GIS Environment       327

11.00-12.30 Plenary session 3, Interoperability I (room 1)
Dessard V, Margoulies S (Belgium):
Interoperability on the Web ! (Using OpenGIS Interfaces)        345

Cantan O, Casanovas M, Gutierrez J, Nogueraz J Zarazaga F J (Spain):
Joining Geographic Catalog Services and Map Servers with GIS applications       347

Bernard L, Einspanier U, Streit U (Germany):
Developing OpenGIS Catalog Services for a GDI - Lessons learned         355

Friis-Christensen A (Denmark):
Modeling Geographic Data Using UML      361

Wei S, Joos G, Reinhardt W (Germany):
Management of spatial features with GML         370

13.30-14.30 Working group meeting, Interoperability (room 1)

13.30-14.30 Working group meeting, GI policy (room 2)

14.30-16.00 Parallel session 5, Interoperability II (room 1)
Wirtz D (Switzerland):
Pluggable Terrain Module - An implementation architecture for distributed digital terrain modeling      376

Hakimpour F, Timpf S (Switzerland):
Using Ontologies for resolution of Semantic Heterogeneity in GIS        385

Bernard L, Wytzisk A, Streit U (Germany):
Dynamic Interoperable GeoProcessing and Geosimulation - Scenarios, FRAmeworks, AND prototypes   396
14.30-16.00 parallel session 6, Planning (room 2)
Geertman S (The Netherlands):
An Internet-based inventory of Planning Support Systems: some tentative results         400

Jiang B, Huang B, Vasek V (Sweden/Czech republic):
Geovisualisation for Planning Support Systems   404

Pundt H, Moltgen J (Germany):
GI-Components to Support Participation in Environmental Planning Processes      415

16.30-18.00 Parallel session 7, Environmental modelling and remote sensing (room 1)
Shanker G H (India):
Terrain Evaluation for Eco-Restoration using Remote Sensing and GIS     424

Mostaccio C, Laurini R (Argentina/France):
Structuring and Indexing Field-oriented Databases       435

Sobchuk R (Russia):
Geological hazards at coastal zones modelling based on Remote Sensing Data for Intelligent Environmental Emergency & Risk Management Systems Toolbox    449

Luoto M, Toivonen T, Heikkinen R K (Finland):
Prediction of total and rare plant species richness from satellite images and GIS data in agricultural landscapes       456

Markov N, Napryushkin A (Russia):
Self-organizing GIS for solving problems of ecology and landscape studying      462

16.30-18.00 Parallel session 8, GI in the new economy (room 2)
Senkler K, Remke A (Germany):
Requirements of interoperable e-commerce services within an infrastructure for distributed GI-Services  468

Gabriel P, Wagner R (Germany):
GIS meets E-Commerce: First Steps towards a General Architecture for Geodata Markets    476

Brox C, Kuhn W (Germany):
Marketplaces for Geographic Information         487

Banares J A, Alvarez P, Cantan O, Fernandez P, Casanovas M, Muro-Medrano P R (Spain):
Integration of location-based services for Field support in CRM         501

Frank A U, Martinez-Asenjo B (Austria):
The Transformation of NMAs from Government Departments to Independent Organizations: An Economic Overview       509

Saturday, April 21, 2001

9.00-10.30 Parallel session, GI processing and usability (room 1)
Castelloe D, Mooney P, Winstanley A (Ireland):
Multi-Objective Optimisation on Transportation Networks         523

Brindley P, Fryers P, Maheswyran R, Wise S (United Kingdom):
An empirical study to assess the accuracy of simple aerial interpolation methods        531

Podobnikar T, Ostir K, Stancic Z, Veljanovski T (Slovenia):
Archaeological Predictive Modelling in Cultural Resource Management     535

de Bruin S (The Netherlands):
The value of spatial information - Decision-analytical assessment of a quality component        545

O'Donoghue D, Winstanley A (Ireland):
Finding Analogous Structures in Cartographic Data       553

9.00-10.30 Parallel session 10, Visualisation (room 2)
Quingwen Q P R (China):
Application of GeoObject-Graphic-Pattern (TUPU) in Cartographic Generalization  561

van Oosterom P, Tijssen T, Alkemade I, de Vries M (The Netherlands):
Multi-source Cartography in Internet GIS        562

Gadal S, Nicolas G (France/Switzerland):
Locus-Object Semantic in Digital Cartography.   574

Emmer N (The Netherlands):
Determining the effectiveness of animations to represent geo-spatial temporal data: a first approach    585

11.00-12.00 Plenary session 4, Strategic questions (room 1)
Annoni A (Italy):
European Projections Interoperability   590

Moellering H (USA):
Analytical Cartography: Past, Present, and Future       599

Gould M, Herring J (Spain/USA):
Redefining GIS  615

12.00-13.00 AGILE business meeting (chair: Mauro Salvemini)

Poster session

Wegner H (Germany):
Developing a GIS-based Cadastral Map for Compensatory Landuses  621

Tikunov V, Berdnikov K (Russia):
Experimental determination of semantic space in Geographic Information Sciences         628

Bortone N, Virgilio G (Italy):
GIS Platform Oriented Towards the Building Restoration and Regeneration Processes of the Historical and Architectural Heritage Protection       634

Kolodziej K (USA):
Intelligent Agents in a Distributed GIS for Improving Interoperability  641

Ali D, Angryk R, Bjursell J, Cobb M, Gibutowski M, Kolodziej K, Paprzycki M, Rahimi S (USA/Poland):
Comparison of Mobile Agent Frameworks for Distributed Geospatial Data Integration       643

Charvat K, Krivanek Z, Holy S, Gnip P, Fryml J (Czech Republic):
Wireless supporting of agricultural and forestry information systems - WirelessInfo     656

Dominiguez J, Navarro J, Marti I, Garcia C (Spain):
Environmental Modeling for wind farm location using desktop GIS         667

Alvares P, Banares J A, Bejar R, Blasco S, Latre M A (Spain):
Integration of MapServer capabilities in an Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System to extend access through the Internet   676

Blat J, Navarrete T (Spain):
The CD-ROM ATLES DE LES ILLES BALEARS: Methodological, Usability and Programming Issues when Using Web-based Multimedia for Exploring and Teaching Geographical Information     683

Bejar R, Fernandez P, LAtre M A, Muro-Medrano P R, Rioja R, Zarazaga J (Spain):
Interoperation of distributed GIS components in a Hydrological Data Inventory System    685

Keyes L, Winstanley A (Ireland):
A Comparison of Methods used for Cartographic Object Classification     693

Klenov V I (Russia):
Information demands for multi-scale river basin simulation for flood monitoring and forecasting         695

Oinonen K (Finland):
The Planner's TOOLBOX   699

Stanek K (Czech Republic):
Cartographic Generalisation as a Interoperability Issue         707

Friedmannova L, Konecny M, Stanek K, Vasek V, Vesely M (Czech Republic):
CASTOR - System for Automated Cartographic Analysis and Visualization   711

Zgarba V (Czech Republic):
PUKNi project - easy and efficient work with data of the land and property register     712

Zgarba V (Czech Republic):
LHK SSL - GI systém for the state administration in forestry    712

Zgarba V (Czech Republic):
Echo Local - SW provides monitoring and managing of the safety system   712

Hoffman G, Hoffman F (Germany):
From ADAPT via INTERREG to GI2001       713

Deplano G, Campagna M, De Montis A (Italy):
Regional and local planning system monitoring. The GIS as support in spatial development management.    715

Zakharova A A, Kovin R V, Markov N G, Spitsyn V G (Russia):
Geoinformation system for modeling processes of surface waters infiltration into geological medium      720

Friedmannova L (Czech Republic):
Multiconditional Visualization of Geographic Data       726

Bonini E S, Eremitaggio A M, Maggi T, Moretti C (Italy):
Hydrogeological Hazard Map in a District of Rome Area: an Overview      733

Rothova H (Czech Republic):
Comparison of Digital Terrain Models from Hydrological Point of View     739

Wysocka E (Poland):
Concept of the Polish Spatial Information System        742

Sen S (India):
Interoperability Factor in Natural Language Interfaces to GIS   753

Alexeenko N (Russia):
Landscape planning and its cartographical support       758

Slaboch V, Hnojil J (Czech Republic):
Activities of VUGTK in the Field of National Administrative Boundaries Policy    759

Hajek M, Chalachanova J, Cernansky J (Slovakia):
Integration of Sources Spatial Data for Agricultural Database   760

Mitasova I, Fencik R, Kozuch M (Slovakia):
Updating of position the objects in the agricurtural geoinformation system