----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The following plea for help appeared on the Comp.infosystems.gis newsgroup
a few days ago. It seems to me a question more for a map librarian rather
than (or as well as?) a GIS specialist as such... Please send any answers to
Thomas Becher direct - not to me!
Darius Bartlett
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>Date: 23-OCT-1995 16:37
>From: [log in to unmask] (Thomas Becher)
>Description: MAPS OF BENIN (AFRICA)
Hello out there,
Can anyone tell me anything about existing maps in BENIN (Africa) ?
1.Which topographic maps do exist (scale, actuality ...) ?
2.Which thematic maps do exist (scale, theme (e.g. soil, geology) ?
3.Are digital maps availible (hard top believe) ?
4.Where can I obtain these maps (files) ?
5.Is any remote sensed mapping data availible (satellite scences) ?
6.Any help is appreciated !
T. Becher ([log in to unmask])
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