The number of maps received on depository will vary depending on what item
numbers the library has requested. The University of Georgia Libraries is a
regional depository and is suppose to get all maps. I am not sure from your
message if you are discussing only USGS maps or all federal depository maps.
Our accession figures will be slightly different from other collections
because I go through the new government documents and pull out maps for the
collection from non-map item numbers. Also our figures are based on a June -
June year because of local reporting deadlines.
Given all those warnings the short term answer is yes and the long term
answer is maybe. See the table below for the number of sheets the Map
Collection has acquired through depository agreements.
95/96 1479 3224
94/95 2286 3495
93/94 1582 2719
92/93 1353 2701
91/92 2905 4278
90/91 2280 4154
89/90 2673 4338
88/89 3047 3823
87/88 2320 3303
86/87 2927 3882
Johnnie D. Sutherland
Curator of Maps
Map Collection
University of Georgia Libraries
Athens, GA 30602-7412 U.S.A.
(706) 542-0690
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