Hello Everyone,
  I am new to the Conch-L list.  I have been read your e-mial for about a
week.  I am not very knowledgable about shells except that I think they are
the most beautiful things on Earth.  My family and I live in Rural Iowa,
USA, so we don't have the opportunity to collect more than once or twice a
year on vacation.  We visited Sanibel Island last November.  What a treat!
We will be spending two days on South Padre Island with a Youth Group in
June for our next seaside visit.  Please forgive me if I interject some dull
or uninformed questions...I am just starting to learn species names.  I wish
you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!  Oh, Helmut,  we had
turkey sandwiches for lunch and will have Lasagna and Garlic Bread for
               - Tara

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