Dear Dan,
here's one more:

NATICIDAE Natica rufilabris Reeve ---------- Machinato Reef,Okinawa, Japan

Natica rufilabris Reeve, 1855 is a Caribbean/ Western Atlantic species (the
type locality is Bahia, Brazil), and on top of that it is a junior synonym of
Natica (Natica) livida Pfeiffer, 1840.
So your specimen, if it indeed comes from Okinawa, cannot possibly represent
this species. Over the years I have seen many so-called "Natica rufilabris"
from Japan, and they all turned out to be Natica gualtieriana Recluz, 1844.
You might want to check that possibility.

     Prof. Dr. Michael Hollmann
     Goerdelerweg 17
     D-37075 Goettingen
     Tel.:  (home)   (49)-551-58468
     Tel.:  (work)   (49)-551-3899-437
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