Now before someone tells me to buy Rombout's book (which I am), let me ask another scalloip question. ` "Pecten"  asperulata is driving me right round the bend!  The Compendium gives asperulata as a synonym (the senior one, I think) for pelseneeri.  However, I have  an "asperulata" from a dealer that is not pelseneeri but looks l;ike the picture in one of the old Japanese books.  Also, I have a third one, from Justyn Blackwell, who is no longer with us I understand, which is either completely different from the other two, or I mixed up the data.  Can anyone straighten this out?                P.S. (NSR)  Is anyone out there a chipmunk fan;  I have been feeding the ones that come into my yard  in the warmer weather for three years.  I am particularly looking for information that they are not "terribly destructive" so my neighbor on one side will not poison or ttrap them.  Cheers, nature-loving Linda