Jenny Cline asked that I post this to the CONCH-L group:

"Hi everyone, I'm back from my year in Honduras and have a new home in
Petersburg, Virginia, where I'll be until August, then off to Germany for a
three-year tour of duty.  I hope to catch some European shell shows while
I'm there.  I'd like to track down Felix Lorenz and chat with him about
Cyps.  Maybe I'll even find Helmut!  Are you there, Helmut?  I will be
stationed somewhere in Bayern region.  I'd like to meet your mother too, and
see your much-mentioned shell museum, which has surely achieved mythical
status on Conch-L.

In other news, just made Captain!  Regret to say I had few chances to get
out and go shelling in Honduras, given the difficulties of getting around
the mountainous country and the enormous job my unit had, to support
reconstruction efforts after Hurricane Mitch.  Very rewarding work, but not
conducive to shell expeditions.  I will put together my notes from the few
times I did get to go, for an article in AmConch if there is interest.

To reach me, write [log in to unmask]  Until August, my US phone number is
804-732-0011.  Best wishes to all of you for a Happy New Millennium!

Jenny Cline"

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