"You say you don`t have enough space for storing  your shells?  You say you can`t find some of them since you dismantled that last exhibit?  Is this what`s getting you down, little old buddy?  Well, never fear!  Hold your head down lower and go look among the "dust bunnies" under the beds in your house, AND....you might do what yours truly did this morning.  She found a whole box of pectens hiding under the bed in the master bedroom!   I wonder why I thought I was missing a pecten or two.  Egads, I must be getting old(er?)  It`s a good thing I have been recataloguing.  (Don`t be as dumb as I was!)  Have you found some of your shells in odd places?   At least, I was able to laugh at myself and reaquanted myself with some of my lovely Chlamys senatoria!    Linda