
Doesn't everyone store their shells under the bed for those sleepless

Thomas Clenche
Petley, Random Island, Newfoundland

>From: Linda Bush <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Tongue-in-Cheek
>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 18:35:06 -0500
>"You say you don`t have enough space for storing  your shells?  You say you
>can`t find some of them since you dismantled that last exhibit?  Is this
>what`s getting you down, little old buddy?  Well, never fear!  Hold your
>head down lower and go look among the "dust bunnies" under the beds in your
>house, AND....you might do what yours truly did this morning.  She found a
>whole box of pectens hiding under the bed in the master bedroom!   I wonder
>why I thought I was missing a pecten or two.  Egads, I must be getting
>old(er?)  It`s a good thing I have been recataloguing.  (Don`t be as dumb
>as I was!)  Have you found some of your shells in odd places?   At least, I
>was able to laugh at myself and reaquanted myself with some of my lovely
>Chlamys senatoria!    Linda

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