For those fanciers of Cypraidae and Strombidae:

The Archive Site of THE CAPTURED COWRY had a busy year
in 1999 -- nearly 17,000 total hits! This January saw
the trend continue with 1,750 more hits.

I am currently adding the Strombidae articles from the
1960-1992 Hawaiian Shell News to the Archive Site. The
years 1960-1963 are completed (I'm finding cowry articles
that were missed the first time through, also) and I'm
compiling a species list of Strombidae names already in the
articles that are currently in the Archive Site.

It may be a while before all of the additional articles are
scanned, OCRed, and posted, but I hope to keep at it until
it's done. (And if anyone can lend me the HSN issues for
1993 & 1994, I'll add their items to the Archive Site, also.)

The Archive Site is at

Happy shelling and Happy New Year!

Bob Dayle (makuabob)
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