
I hope you will keep us informed of any additional
findings. This is an area that needs looked into
(i.e., "crossbreeds" & 'throwbacks' of widely distributed
species emerging in endemic populations).

The "granulata/nucleus" conundrum is only one of several
that come from Hawaiian waters. Try the "sulcidentata/
schilderorum" 'crossbreeds,' or the "burgessi/alisonae/
rashleighana/teres" mixtures, or even the simpler
"caputophidii/caputserpentis" dichotomy (about which I also
just happen to have had an article published in HSN --
on-line at ).

All of those endemic Hawaiian species came from 'parent'
species. In the case of "nucleus/granulata" the one (granulata)
is plainly a 'parent' of the granulata. But where did the
'grannie' get those outrageous calluses? It's food for


Bob Dayle
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