Does anyone have information on the capulid Cyclothyca corrugata
Stearns, 1890.  According to Keen (1971), this species has not been
seen since the type collection in Nicaragua.  Have any been collected
since 1971 and, if so, where?  Are there any photos on the web?

I have collected one at Punta Galera, Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador (0
49' 51" N, 80 03' 02" W).  It was found dead, but in good condition,
in a deposit of crushed shell, shell grit, and gravel.

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Howard L. Clark or Kate Clark /
[log in to unmask]
tel. (593-2) 224897 or 541215(&=fax) /
P.O. Box 17-12-863, Quito, Ecuador
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