Thank you very much for your informative mail, Mr. Kim.
I have a copy of Registry, it is a excellent book! I am looking
forward to reading the next issue of the book in July 2001 :)
I think "Registry" is good since it registered not only the
largest size of the shell, but also the smallest. I collect cowries,
it is very useful for me :).....
By the way, I cannot find the smallest size of Cypraea Teramachii
in "Registry". The largest size of it is 78.0 mm. What's the smallest
size, if anyone of you can teach me a little, I will thank you very
much :)
In addition, the largest and smallest sizes of Cyp. Teramachii which
were registered by Mr. Nishimura in last year is

54.5 mm (Dr. Okutani collec.) ----- 78.0 mm (National Museum of Natural
History, Tokyo)

Thanks everyone who reply the question :)

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