Okay, I'll throw my hat into the ring too.  QUESTION;  Is it against Conch-L rules  for a dealer, trip organizer, etc. to post a one line advertisement  to lead us to the details on their mollusc.net web site?  I, for one, find it too much work to check out all the information available there and appreciate a "flag" to lead me to a specific entry.  And what about books?  I would guess that all of us buy as many books "up our particular alley of interest" as we can afford; and publications lead us to updating knowledge of identification.
        I will, of course, abide by the rules and a long commercial message DOESN't BELONG HERE.  But maybe a review of the rules would be productive.   As far as personal messages, if you can't find any other avenue, I would think that a short one would be allowable, such as Ross's call for typists would have gotten any speedy reply on other websites.
        Oh well, that's my two cents worth.  Enlightment?