Hi all,

I have add some new pictures and links on my "Snailpage".

You can view now some fossil Miocene mollusks
Mitra scrobiculata striatula

                                        Vitularia vindobonula

                                    Zonaria annularia hoernesiana

                                            Oliva inflata

                                         Chicoreus michelotti

                                          Ocenebra credneri

                                         Hexaplex austriacus

                                         Thais haemastoides

also some new adds in the chaeck list and at the section foreign molluska.

Picture of Clausillidae (published some years ago in the Club Conchylia
Informationen, the best photos I have ever seen on Clausiliidae) coming

Best regards

Wolfgang Fischer

Wolfgang Fischer
Institut fuer Pflanzenbau u. Pflanzenzuechtung
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur
Gregor Mendel Str. 33
1180 Wien

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   Fax: ++43 1 47654-3342
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