
I am looking for information on the commercial fishery in Littorina littorea
(Linnaeus, 1758).  There are apparently lots of them here in Newfoundland
but as of yet there is no commercial harvest of them.

A number of people in my area wish to look into this as a means to
supplement their income. I need information into acceptable sizes, quality,
and anything else that might help to get this going.

If anyone has any info at all that would be of help, please contact me

Thanking you all in advance.

Thomas Clenche
Petley, Random Island, Newfoundland.

ps.  While this is probably not exactly in line with what the Conch-list was
designed for, it is more applicable to me than you think.  For this
information, i am promised some contacts for deep water mollusks which I can
then trade.  Help me please.

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