Harry Lee wrote, 'the research has whet my appetite for reading more of the
work of this eminent Dutch naturalist [Rumphius].'

Science popularizer Willy Ley wrote about Rumphius in one of his
captivating books. If a 25-year-old memory is correct, Rumphius' story was
dramatic. Like his countryman Geerat Vermeij, Rumphius was blind but did
not let this obstacle overcome his desire to study and write about natural
history. He also overcame disappointment as the manuscript of his book on
Amboina was lost. Twice. If he had not had unusual strength of character,
we would not have this book at all.

Linnaeus evidently liked Rumphius's book also, because he drew on it
extensively for his 'Systema Naturae'.

Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama