I'll skip my personal sentiments regarding solicitations of donations.
However, regarding the Museum in Innsbruck, yes it does exist.  Since
donating some shells a few years ago I have regularly received the annual
report of the museum, a well-done, bound publication of over 100 pages, on
high quality glossy paper, providing much information about the museum, its
staff, its collections, and its research projects.  They are trying to
rebuild collections lost in a flood some years ago.  They are now housed in
a newer and safer facility.  They do not demand "gem quality" shells.  The
material I sent them was an assortment of  "seconds" that I would not trade
or sell to a collector, yet they were thrilled to receive them.  I received
a personal letter on museum letterhead from the museum director, thanking me
for the donation.
As for inappropriate commercial postings by dealers, yes there have been
some.  However, when you receive such a message, check the sender address
and see if it came to you via Conch-L.  That would be against the rules.
Some dealers however send commercial messages to the Conch-L membership by
direct e-mail (not through the list).  That does not violate the rules.
Paul M.