> Mostly Americans or only english speaking people who could
> care less. My GOD, if you travel the world at least learn
> the numbers and a menu. I gave up years ago traveling with
> Americans. I have been to everywhere but Antarctica and
> it's always the same. I ju7st gave up. Americans are so
> ignorant.
> Fred in MN


You are starting to hit a nerve here by saying "Americans are so
ignorant".  I agree with someone who says, "If you can't speak the
language Get Out." but if someone is visiting, isn't there such a thing
as being a GOOD HOST?  I am sure there are businesses around the world
who would be happy to take money from those ignorant English only
speaking people.  I would OF COURSE tolerate someone on Conch-L who has
Engish language difficulties.


"I wouldn't state something online that I would never say in person."