<I do think, however, ---- that there should be a rule for the list
> 'topics do not become personal'!>
        Actually, the list DOES have rules! - Four of them - and two of the
four have been repeatedly trashed over the past week.  The four rules are:
        a.)  NO Commercial Advertising
        b.)  NO Big Files and NO 'Attached' Files
        c.)  NO Off-Topic Postings
        d.)  NO Flaming

These rules,  with explanations of each, plus LOTS of other valuable
information about Conch-L and how to do things on Conch-L, can be found in
the Conch-L FAQ (frequently asked questions) sheet.  Every subscriber should
have a copy of this.  To get a copy, just send the e-mail message "GET
CONCH-L FAQ" (without the quotes) to [log in to unmask]
Within a few minutes the listserve computer will send you back a copy of the
FAQ sheet (9 pages), which you can print out and keep for reference.

Paul M.